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    • English
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        • Term
          • case cluster
        • Additional fields of expertise
        • Definition(s)
          • A geographical or temporal collection of cases that seems to be higher than the expected number for that place or time. Government of Canada
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Over the coming weeks the district will be used by leading virologists and a team of 40 medical students as a sort of laboratory for studying the virus. The “Covid-19 case cluster study”, launched on Tuesday morning, will follow 1,000 people who have been chosen because they are representative of the German population as a whole. - The Guardian by
          • About two dozen residents at an assisted living center in western North Carolina have tested positive for COVID-19, marking a new case cluster in the state at corporate living facilities such as nursing homes. The Henderson County Health Department and Cherry Springs Village in Hendersonville announced the outbreak at the center on Sunday. - Washington Times by
          • Covid 19 coronavirus: NZ case clusters double, seven more investigated - New Zealand Herald by
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