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    • English
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • first responder
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • A first responder or first line responder is a person (such as a police officer or an EMT) who is among those responsible for going immediately to the scene of an accident or emergency to provide assistance. Merriam-Webster
          • Example sentence(s)
            • First Responders Children’s Foundation helps people on front line of coronavirus pandemic - FOX News by
            • Hampden sheriff to open center for first responders recovering from coronavirus - Boston Herald by
            • ‘Not aggressive enough’ | Healthcare, first responder unions urge DC mayor to change approach on coronavirus testing - WUSA9 by
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    • Italian
      • Medical (general)
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            • primo soccorritore
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          • Definition(s)
            • l “primo soccorritore” non può e non deve sostituirsi al soccorso sanitario qualificato, deve limitarsi a coprire l’intervallo di tempo che intercorre dalla chiamata all’arrivo dei soccorritori qualificati . Il “Primo Soccorso” è una tecnica che si apprende e si perfeziona con esercizi pratici ripetuti: dare correttamente l’allarme, saper valutare le funzioni vitali dell’infortunato, deve saper praticare una Rianimazione Cardio-Polmonare (RCP), fermare un’emorragia, porre la vittima in adeguate posizione, ecc. Associvile - by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Il primo soccorritore a giungere sul posto è stato un Agente della Polizia Municipale, il quale ha individuato un passaporto abbandonato su uno dei sedili della BMW e ha provveduto a consegnarlo alla pattuglia dei Carabinieri, intervenuta quando ci si era resi conto che vi era stato anche il reato di omissione di soccorso. - 7giorni by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
            • Il “primo soccorritore” non può e non deve sostituirsi al soccorso sanitario qualificato, deve limitarsi a coprire l’intervallo di tempo che intercorre dalla chiamata all’arrivo dei soccorritori qualificati - Associvile by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
            • Il primo soccorritore deve coprire il lasso di tempo tra il momento dell’incidente e l’arrivo dei soccorsi specializzati, non fa diagnosi specialistica perché non è preparato e non ha gli strumenti necessari e deve intervenire subito e ovunque senza aspettare l’arrivo delle forze dell’ordine. - by Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.
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    • Dutch
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • first responder
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            • It says a police officer or an EMT ( Emergency medical technician (EMT) and ambulance technician ) [] These are not persons who are called 'eerstehulpverleners' (first aiders) in Dutch, who have followed an EHBO-course and act on personal initiative. first responder Een first responder is een hulpverlener, die als eerste ter plaatse komt en die competent is eerste hulp te verlenen in een situatie waarin dit noodzakelijk is, in afwachting van een ambulance. Een first responder kan zijn politie, brandweer of een huisarts. De first responder is opgeleid en geoefend in levensreddende handelingen. De inzet van een first responder wordt bepaald door de RAV aan de hand van vooraf gestelde criteria. De inzet van first responders vindt plaats nadat de MKA een ambulance-eenheid heeft ingezet. Uitgangspunt voor de inzet van de first responder is dat dit nooit mag leiden tot vertraging in de ambulancezorg. Naast professionele hulpverleners kunnen ook getrainde vrijwilligers als first responder worden ingezet. Meer informatie over de first responder in het Beleidsdocument first en rapid responder (AZN, 2005). Uniform begrippenkader ambulancezorg - by Barend van Zadelhoff
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Wat is een First Responder? In dit artikel wordt grotendeels de definitie gevolgd van de Ambulancezorg Nederland (AZN): ‘Een First Responder is een gealarmeerde hulpverlener, die als eerste ter plaatse komt en competent is eerste hulp te verlenen in een situatie waarbij dit noodzakelijk is.’ De brandweer voldoet goed aan deze criteria en hanteert sinds 2009 het landelijk protocol ‘levensreddend handelen voor de brandweer, dat gezamenlijk door de brandweer en ambulancedienst is ontwikkeld - De brandweer als first responder by Barend van Zadelhoff
            • What does a First Responder do? How are First Responders different from First Aiders? First Aiders provide first aid – as per (in the UK) the First Aid Manual. There are three voluntary first aid providers in the UK: St John Ambulance, British Red Cross Society, and St Andrew’s Ambulance Association (operates in Scotland). There are also numerous private first aid providers. Most work places will also have workplace first aiders (exactly how many, and what level of qualification, depends on a number of factors, such as number of employees, type of work, location, etc.). First Aider and First Responder The role of a First Aider is to provide initial treatment to somebody who is injured or ill. They will, depending in the severity of the incident, either complete treatment and discharge the patient, or pass the patient to more qualified medical staff (e.g. ambulance crew, paramedic, hospital). First Responders have a slightly different role. They still provide initial treatment to an injured or ill person. However, the major difference is that they work (voluntarily) for the NHS ambulance service and are there to provide treatment until an ambulance arrives. - chandlersfordtoday by Barend van Zadelhoff
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    • Bulgarian
      • Medical (general)
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            • лице, работещо на първа линия
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          • Definition(s)
            • Работещите на първа линия лица са всички здравни и медицински работници, социални работници, полицаи, служители от общински и държавни инситуции и др., които оказват помощ на първа линия. Own research - by Vilina Svetoslavova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Около 14 хил. души, работещи на първа линия срещу коронавируса, ще получат обещаните по 1000 лева допълнителни възнаграждения. - by Vilina Svetoslavova
            • Община Хасково благодари на всички дарители, които до този момент подкрепиха работещите на първа линия служители от общинските и държавни институции и здравни заведения. - Община Хасково by Vilina Svetoslavova
            • От думите на Бойко Борисов стана ясно, че ще бъдат осигурени по 1000 лв. допълнително на месец на всички лекари, медицински сестри, лаборанти, санитари и други, които са на първа линия в борбата с коронавируса, независимо от заеманата от тях длъжност. - by Vilina Svetoslavova
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  • Compare this term in: Arabic, German, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, Ukrainian

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