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    • English
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        • Term
          • respiratory droplet
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        • Definition(s)
          • The vehicle for airborne respiratory disease transmission are the droplets, which are the dried-out residual of droplets possibly containing infectious pathogens. Naturally produced aerosols will contain a range of droplet sizes, whose motion will depend significantly on various environmental factors, such as gravity, the direction and strength of local airflows, temperature and relative humidity. Coughing may produce up to 3000 droplets, about the same number as talking for five minutes. National Center for Biotechnology Info.
        • Example sentence(s)
          • These are called respiratory droplets, and this is how experts think most people are getting sick with COVID-19. Due to the droplets´relatively large size, greater than 5 micrometres, they usually don´t travel very far, and they don´t stay in the air too long. But that's not the only type of droplet. Much smaller droplets can also be produced when we sneeze and cough, as well as when we talk and breathe. These are called bioaerosols, and they can travel a lot further, and can stay airborne for a longer period of time. - Science Alert by
          • Thus far, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health agencies have insisted the primary route of transmission for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is through the larger respiratory droplets, up to 1 millimeter across, that people expel when they cough and sneeze. - Science Mag by
          • “This virus spreads through respiratory droplets,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a recent congressional hearing. It also spreads via “sneezing, coughing and hand contamination,” he said. - LA Times by
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    • Spanish
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        • Term
          • gotículas o gotitas respiratorias
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        • Definition(s)
          • Las gotículas respiratorias tienen un diámetro de 5 a 10 micrómetros y pueden transmitir infecciones respiratorias. World Health Organization - by Luciana Brignolio
        • Example sentence(s)
          • El contagio a través de gotículas se produce por contacto cercano (a menos de un metro) de una persona con síntomas respiratorios (por ejemplo, tos o estornudos), debido al riesgo de que las mucosas (boca y nariz) o la conjuntiva (ojos) se expongan a gotículas respiratorias que pueden ser infecciosas. - World Health Organization by Luciana Brignolio
          • Esto es especialmente importante después de tocar superficies u objetos que puedan estar contaminados con gotitas respiratorias de personas enfermas o después de tocar personas con síntomas de afecciones respiratorias. - Centers for Disease Control by Luciana Brignolio
          • La bacteria que causa la difteria se propaga a través de las gotitas respiratorias, como las que se producen con la tos o los estornudos, de una persona infectada o de alguien que porte la bacteria pero que no tenga ningún síntoma. - MedlinePlus by Luciana Brignolio
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