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    • English
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            • podcasting
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            • Podcasting is a kind of audio broadcasting that uses the Internet, like an on-line radio show. The name was created by combining “iPod” and “broadcasting”. Podcasting involves making one or more files available in an RSS feed. A pod-caster (the creator of the podcast) makes a list of music and/or other audio files and makes the list available for other users to retrieve. BatchBook - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Just as blogging has enabled almost anyone with a computer to become a bona fide reporter, podcasting allows virtually anyone with a computer to become a radio disc jockey, talk show host or recording artist. - HowStuffWorks by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting lets you create your own syndicated online talkshow or radio program, with content of your choosing. - What is podcasting by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting is the process of creating an audio show of some sort available in MP3 format via an RSS 2.0 feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content. - Podcasting toold by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Chinese
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            • 播客/播客广播
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            • Podcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。 就像博客颠覆了被动接受文字信息的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像博客(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 关于Podcast的定义目前仍在争论中,比较有代表性的说法有以下三种: 一.Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义: PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting。PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。 戴维·温纳(Dave Winer)的Morning Coffee Notes:人各有所专,所以理论上人人播客是可能的。 二.Dave Shusher在其“Podcasting的定义”一文中的定义: 他提出Podcasting必须具备三个要件: 1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体文件; 2.该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0 enclosure feed; 3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。 他认为可下载MP3 不是波刻(Podcast)――这是充分但不是必要条件。“能下载固然不错,但能自动出现供你播放而无需你关照才是关键。这才是Podcasting。” 三.Wikipedia的定义: 像WIKI这样的定义是开放、动态的,到2004年12月13日为止,其定义为: Podcasting源于iPod,兼具broadcasting和webcasting 之意。Podcasting 与TiVo相似, 只是Podcasting是用于声讯节目而且目前免费。但是应该注意,该技术能把任何文件“拉”过来,包括软件更新、照片和视频。(作者:郑雅钦) 注:以上定义仅供参考 podcasting n. 播客:由iPod(苹果MP3播放器)和broadcasting(广播)组合而成。它是一种新的技术,是Rss技术与MP3播放器结合的产物,简单地说,就是把预先录制的MP3音频文件发布在Blog上,利用相关的RSS订阅软件(如iPodder),你可以定制并将这些MP3文件自动下载到本地电脑上播放。更吸引人的是,这些MP3文件可以转移到便携式MP3播放器上,在移动中随时收听。文件的内容可以是音乐、新闻广播,甚至可以是一节包含教师讲解、学生讨论的课堂录音。有了Podcasting,可以很容易地制作、发布自己的广播节目,随时随地收听所需的信息,所以,Podcasting也被称为Personal broadcasting(个人或个性化广播)。 新华网 - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 播客(Podcasts或Podcasting)与博客(BLOG)是同义词,都是个人通过互联网发布信息的方式. 博客与播客的主要区别在于,博客所传播的以文字和图片信息为主,而播客传递的则是 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 播客营销就是以播客为主要传播载体的营销方式。或者更通俗地说,播客营销就是通过播客 来推广。这个定义格式同样使用什么是网络营销及什么是博客营销。 ... - 点石互动 by Adsion Liu
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    • Italian
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            • podcasting
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            • Il podcasting è un sistema che permette di scaricare in modo automatico documenti (generalmente audio o video) chiamati podcast, utilizzando un programma ("client") generalmente gratuito chiamato aggregatore o feed reader. Wikipedia - by Jacopo Perenchio
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            • L'uso del podcasting si è nel tempo enormemente diffuso, raggiungendo livelli di pubblico tali da indurre la stessa Apple ad investire intensamente nel settore, offrendo nel firmware dell'iPod una voce di menù dedicata al podcasting, con oltre 3000 podcast gratuiti presenti nell'iTunes Store (voce tra l'altro presente anche in alcuni smartphone Nokia). - Wikipedia by Jacopo Perenchio
            • Si parla di miniaturizzazione e trasparenza, di YouTube, Second Life e podcasting, di interfacce centrate sull'utente e del progetto One Laptop per Child, di strumenti integrati e embedded, di guide mobili per il turismo e la fruizione di beni sparsi - Pluriversiradio by Jacopo Perenchio
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