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    • English
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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          • Term
            • podcasting
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          • Definition(s)
            • Podcasting is a kind of audio broadcasting that uses the Internet, like an on-line radio show. The name was created by combining “iPod” and “broadcasting”. Podcasting involves making one or more files available in an RSS feed. A pod-caster (the creator of the podcast) makes a list of music and/or other audio files and makes the list available for other users to retrieve. BatchBook - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Just as blogging has enabled almost anyone with a computer to become a bona fide reporter, podcasting allows virtually anyone with a computer to become a radio disc jockey, talk show host or recording artist. - HowStuffWorks by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting lets you create your own syndicated online talkshow or radio program, with content of your choosing. - What is podcasting by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Podcasting is the process of creating an audio show of some sort available in MP3 format via an RSS 2.0 feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content. - Podcasting toold by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Italian
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            • podcasting
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          • Definition(s)
            • Il podcasting è un sistema che permette di scaricare in modo automatico documenti (generalmente audio o video) chiamati podcast, utilizzando un programma ("client") generalmente gratuito chiamato aggregatore o feed reader. Wikipedia - by Jacopo Perenchio
          • Example sentence(s)
            • L'uso del podcasting si è nel tempo enormemente diffuso, raggiungendo livelli di pubblico tali da indurre la stessa Apple ad investire intensamente nel settore, offrendo nel firmware dell'iPod una voce di menù dedicata al podcasting, con oltre 3000 podcast gratuiti presenti nell'iTunes Store (voce tra l'altro presente anche in alcuni smartphone Nokia). - Wikipedia by Jacopo Perenchio
            • Si parla di miniaturizzazione e trasparenza, di YouTube, Second Life e podcasting, di interfacce centrate sull'utente e del progetto One Laptop per Child, di strumenti integrati e embedded, di guide mobili per il turismo e la fruizione di beni sparsi - Pluriversiradio by Jacopo Perenchio
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    • Russian
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          • Term
            • подкастинг
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          • Definition(s)
            • Подка́стинг (англ. podcasting, от iPod и англ. broadcasting — повсеместное, широкоформатное вещание) — процесс создания и распространения звуковых или видео-передач (то есть подкастов) во Всемирной сети (обычно в формате MP3 или Ogg/Vorbis для звуковых и Flash Video и других для видео-передач). Как правило, подкасты имеют определенную тематику и периодичность издания (однако бывают и исключения). Википедия - by Igor Savenkov
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Что такое подкастинг? Говоря научным языком, подкастинг (от англ. podcasting ... Технически подкастинг не представляет из себя ничего ... - ixbt by Igor Savenkov
            • Подкастинг — метод публикации аудио и видео программ через интернет, позволяющий пользователям подписываться на автоматическое получение новых файлов. - NTV by Igor Savenkov
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    • Croatian
      • Internet, e-Commerce
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            • Podcasting
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            • "Izraz podcasting je spoj dvije riječi: iPod, popularnog Appleovog digitalnog glazbenog playera i broadcastinga (emitiranje). Ali pod nije baš najispravniji naziv. Podcasti su digitalni audioprogrami na koje se možete pretplatiti i koje možete preuzeti putem RSS-a (Really Simple Syndication), a može im se pristupiti s različitih digitalnih audiouređaja, uključujući i stolna računala." Časopis Edupoint - by Kristina Kolic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Podcasting je vrlo popularan zbog velikog broja korisnika mp3 playera, jer većina materijala u streamu se kodira u taj format." - InfoTrend by Kristina Kolic
            • "podcasting označava distribuciju audio sadržaja putem interneta u mp3 formatu najčešće korištenjem RSS kanala. Podcasting, za razliku od radijskog streaminga odnosno emitiranja radija putem interneta, donosi mogućnost slušanja sadržaja bilo kad i bilo gdje bez ograničavanja slušanosti radijskom koncesijom i vremenskim zonama koje ograničavaju slušanje streaminga na drugim kontinentima." - IM&C Agencija by Kristina Kolic
            • "Podcasting je, dakle, čitava mreža usluga i procesa koja podrazumijeva objavljivanje audio datoteka na internetu, čime se korisnicima omogućuje da se na pojedine takve sadržaje pretplate, te automatski primaju nove audio fileove i nove sadržaje, od glazbe do govora i cijelih radijskih emisija." - Vjesnik by Kristina Kolic
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