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    • Romanian
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            • podcasting
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          • Definition(s)
            • Podcasting este o metodă de distribuţie a fişierelor în format multimedia (de obicei fişiere audio dar şi video), prin intermediul formaturilor de sindicalizare de conţinut RSS şi ATOM. Fişierele pot fi descărcate şi redate pe echipamente mobile sau calculatoare ce acceptă formatul în care acestea au fost create. Un autor de podcast este de obicei denumit podcaster. Siturile de podcasting pot oferi fişierele spre descărcare şi ascultare off-line sau pentru redare directă on-line. Metoda de bază este totuşi aceea de descărcare prin intermediul unui cititor de conţinut RSS sau Atom. Numele vine de la faimosul player portabil de muzică, iPod. Wikipedia - by Andrei Albu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Podcasting-ul ameninta mass-media clasica Costin Ionescu, 23 August 2005 Saptamana Financiara Dupa bloguri si alte unelte ale Internetului, „podcasting-ul“ acrediteaza, in presa din tarile dezvoltate, ideea ca oricine poate fi jurnalist daca are la indemana un calculator si o conexiune la Internet. - wall by Andrei Albu
            • Dupa ce a adoptat sistemul de jurnale personale online (blog), gigantul IT&C International Business Machines (IBM) se numara printre companiile care vor sa adopte si tehnologia podcasting (jurnale audio in format digital, care pot fi descarcate de pe Internet si ascultate pe playere de muzica digitala), scrie presa internationala. - Ziarul Financiar by Andrei Albu
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    • Portuguese
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            • podcasting
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            • Podcasting é uma forma de publicação de arquivos de mídia digital (áudio, vídeo, foto, pps, etc...) pela Internet, através de um Feed RSS, que permite aos utilizadores acompanhar a sua atualização. Com isso, é possível o acompanhamento e/ou download automatico do conteudo de um Podcast. A palavra "podcasting" é uma junção de iPod - marca do aparelho de midia digital da Apple de onde sairam os primeiros scripts de podcasting - e broadcasting (transmissão de rádio ou tevê). A série de arquivos publicados por Podcasting é chamada de Podcast. O autor (ou a autora) de um Podcast é chamado(a) Podcaster. Wikipedia - by Isabella Becker
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Se você ainda não sabe muito bem o que é podcasting, pode ser uma boa hora para aprender. Nos últimos meses, essa palavra, que descreve uma forma de circular arquivos de som em MP3 pela Internet, escapou dos círculos de "iniciados" e ganhou a atenção da imprensa. - Site do UOL by Isabella Becker
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    • Greek
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            • podcasting
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            • Podcasting είναι η μετάδοση τακτικών ψηφιακών εκπομπών ήχου ή βίντεο που μπορείτε να κάνετε λήψη από το Διαδίκτυο και να τα αναπαράγετε σε κινητές συσκευές και προσωπικούς υπολογιστές. Nokia - by Spiros Doikas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • To "podcast" αποτελεί το διαδικτυακό ανάλογο της παραδοσιακής ραδιοφωνικής μετάδοσης με τη διαφορά ότι οι χρήστες έχουν τον έλεγχο του πότε και πού θα ακούσουν το αγαπημένο τους πρόγραμμα (Time- shifted program). - Nikos Karidias by Spiros Doikas
            • Το Podcasting αναφέρεται στη διαδικασία δημοσίευσης εκπομπών στο διαδίκτυο με τη δυνατότητα των ενδιαφερόμενων ακροατών να εγγραφούν συνδρομητές και να λαμβάνουν τα νεοεμφανιζόμενα επεισόδια αυτόματα στον υπολογιστή τους. - Nikos Karidias by Spiros Doikas
            • Ο όρος "podcast" είναι παράγωγος του iPod, φορητής συσκευής μουσικής της Apple και του broadcast.[1] Το "pod" αναφέρεται σε κάποιου είδους κουτί (κιβώτιο) και το "cast" αναφέρεται στην εκπομπή (broadcasting). - Βικιπαίδεια by Spiros Doikas
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    • Croatian
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            • Podcasting
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            • "Izraz podcasting je spoj dvije riječi: iPod, popularnog Appleovog digitalnog glazbenog playera i broadcastinga (emitiranje). Ali pod nije baš najispravniji naziv. Podcasti su digitalni audioprogrami na koje se možete pretplatiti i koje možete preuzeti putem RSS-a (Really Simple Syndication), a može im se pristupiti s različitih digitalnih audiouređaja, uključujući i stolna računala." Časopis Edupoint - by Kristina Kolic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Podcasting je vrlo popularan zbog velikog broja korisnika mp3 playera, jer većina materijala u streamu se kodira u taj format." - InfoTrend by Kristina Kolic
            • "podcasting označava distribuciju audio sadržaja putem interneta u mp3 formatu najčešće korištenjem RSS kanala. Podcasting, za razliku od radijskog streaminga odnosno emitiranja radija putem interneta, donosi mogućnost slušanja sadržaja bilo kad i bilo gdje bez ograničavanja slušanosti radijskom koncesijom i vremenskim zonama koje ograničavaju slušanje streaminga na drugim kontinentima." - IM&C Agencija by Kristina Kolic
            • "Podcasting je, dakle, čitava mreža usluga i procesa koja podrazumijeva objavljivanje audio datoteka na internetu, čime se korisnicima omogućuje da se na pojedine takve sadržaje pretplate, te automatski primaju nove audio fileove i nove sadržaje, od glazbe do govora i cijelih radijskih emisija." - Vjesnik by Kristina Kolic
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