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    • English
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          • aEEG monitoring
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          • Amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) is an easily accessible technique to monitor the electrocortical activity in preterm and term infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). This method was first used to monitor newborns after asphyxia, providing information about future neurological outcomes. National Center for Biotechnology Info.
        • Example sentence(s)
          • In a study of 202 newborns, those who underwent aEEG monitoring had greater precision in the diagnosis of neonatal seizures than in contemporary controls with diagnosis by clinical signs alone. - ScienceDirect by
          • In the preterm group, mean time to initiate aEEG monitoring was 5.2 (±1.2) h of life, and pathological trace or DLVP were associated with higher rates of poor early outcome (p=0.03, PPV 90.9%, NPV 75%, RR=3.63). - Jornal de Pediatra by
          • However, there are several challenges that delay the translation of aEEG monitoring into clinical practice in preterm infants. A major obstacle when comparing results from different studies is due to the differences in study populations, evaluated time periods, aEEG parameters, outcome assessments, and statistical reporting (7,19,20,21). - nature by
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    • Persian (Farsi)
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          • پایش نوار مغزی دامنه‌دار
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          • ‫پایش نوار مغزی، الکتروانسفالوگرافی، یا الکترومغزنگاری دامنه‌دار، روشی برای پایش عملکرد مغزی در بخش مراقبت‌های ویژه در بازۀ زمانی طولانی است. Own research - by Ehsan Alipour
        • Example sentence(s)
          • ‫این اصطلاح پیشنهادی براساس معادل وازۀ Amplitude است که به «دامنه» ترجمه شده است. by Ehsan Alipour
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