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    • English
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          • adversity score
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          • A number of points assigned to a student applying to go to university or college representing their social and economic background, designed to show the university or college what difficulties the student has overcome. Cambridge Blog
        • Example sentence(s)
          • The College Board, the company that administers the SAT exam, said on Tuesday that it would withdraw its much-debated plan to include a so-called adversity score on student test results, saying it had erred in distilling the challenges faced by college applicants to a single number. - The New York Times by
          • As an education researcher who focuses on matters of equity, I believe the new adversity score will be an inadequate remedy for a test that has been inequitable from the start. - The Conversation by
          • Ironically, though, while an adversity score might have bettered my chances in college admissions, my mother would have adamantly objected to it. The things that the index hopes to capture were also the things that she wished to hide. - The New Yorker by
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    • Korean
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          • 역경점수
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          • 미국 대학 입시에서 지원자의 사회·경제적 배경을 고려하는 것으로, 응시 학생이 거주하는 지역의 범죄율, 빈곤수준 등 15개 요소를 역경점수로 환산해 SAT 점수에 포함시킨다. 네이버 지식백과 - by Lucy Kwon
        • Example sentence(s)
          • 미국 대학 입학 자격시험인 SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)를 관장하는 비영리기구 대학위원회(College Board)가 응시자의 사회·경제적 배경을 고려하는 '역경점수'(Adversity Score)를 도입하기로 했다고 미 일간 월스트리트저널(WSJ)이 16일(현지시간) 보도했다. - 연합뉴스 by Lucy Kwon
          • 물론 `왜 누군가는 돈 없고 집안이 나쁘다는 이유만으로 더 높은 점수를 받느냐`는 비판이 거세지면서 역경점수 도입은 불발에 그쳤지만, 대신 대학위원회는 가계소득과 주거, 범죄 등을 종합적으로 고려한 `랜드스케이프(Landscape)`라는 요소를 도입해 대학 입학사정관이 응시학생들을 보다 공정하게 평가할 수 있는 보조지표를 제공하기로 했다. - 이데일리 by Lucy Kwon
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