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    • English
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        • Term
          • cytokine storm
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        • Definition(s)
          • an overactive immune response occurring in various infectious and non-infectious diseases, characterized by the excessive production of cytokines and resulting in intense localized or generalized inflammation. Oxford English Dictionary
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Researchers aren’t sure what percentage of severely ill patients will die from a cytokine storm, or even why some people who are infected will go on to have this reaction, while others won’t - WebMD by
          • Like many other viruses, particularly SARS, MERS, and influenza, the cytokine storm has been used as a warning sign for clinicians to recognize disease escalation. - News Medical by
          • The combination of hyperinflammation, coagulopathy, and low platelet counts places patients with cytokine storm at high risk for spontaneous hemorrhage. - The New England Journal of Medicine by
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    • Croatian
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          • citokinska oluja
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        • Definition(s)
          • Citokinska oluja je preaktivan imunološki odgovor koji se javlja kod različitih infekcija i drugih stanja, a karakterizira ga prekomjerna proizvodnja citokina i intenzivna lokalizirana ili generalizirana upala. Own research - by Lirka
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Nakon što je svijet poharala pandemija SARS-CoV-2 virusa uzrokujući COVID-19, ubrzo se ustanovilo da bi hiperimuni odgovor na infekciju, takozvana citokinska oluja mogla imati veliki utjecaj na ishod same bolesti. Danas još uvijek nemamo jasne dijagnostičke kriterije za citokinsku oluju u tijeku COVID-19 što predstavlja problem kako za izbor najboljeg lijeka za ovo stanje, tako i za optimalni trenutak kada tu terapiju primijeniti. - Hrčak by Lirka
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    • German
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        • Term
          • Zytokinsturm
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        • Definition(s)
          • Ein Zytokinsturm ist eine potentiell lebensgefährliche Entgleisung des Immunsystems, bei der es zu einer sich selbst verstärkenden Rückkoppelung zwischen Zytokinen und Immunzellen kommt. Sie ist eine schwere Verlaufsform des Zytokin-Freisetzungssyndroms (CRS). DocCheck Flexikon - by Steffen Walter
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Ein Zytokinsturm, synonym Hyperzytokinämie, ist eine besonders starke Form des Zytokin-Freisetzungssyndroms (CRS), von dem es sich nur in der Ausprägung unterscheidet. - Wikipedia by Steffen Walter
          • Bei den Probanden hatte offenbar ein Zytokinsturm die schweren Reaktionen ausgelöst, während die Nager verschont geblieben waren. - Ärzteblatt by Steffen Walter
          • Die potentiell lebensgefährliche Entgleisung des Immunsystems in Form eines Zytokinsturms ist eine gefürchtete Komplikation einer Infektion mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. - Gelbe Liste by Steffen Walter
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian

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