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    • English
      • Psychology
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          • Term
            • comfort food
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Certain foods provide a sentimental effect when they are consumed. Comfort foods make us feel good because of the meaning that we give them. We associate dishes with a family member, a significant person, a suggestive moment that we lived, and we tend to “use” food to find the scent of this or that experience again. Comfort food is linked to a personal feeling but also a cultural and historical one. It depends on the ingredients and the habits that we grew up with, in a specific country at a particular historical moment; it shapes our identity. TermCoord
          • Example sentence(s)
            • But digging into comfort foods all winter — like a savory beef stew, spicy spaghetti and meatballs, macaroni and cheese, fluffy pancakes, gooey pizza, or buttery mashed potatoes — comes with health risks. - Health Harvard by
            • While it would be presumptuous to award pizza the prize of being America’s number one comfort food without an appropriate census count, pizza being on a shortlist of America’s favorite foods would not be a shocking discovery. - Giordano's by
            • Binge eating on comfort food can therefore indicate other issues that are physical, psychological, and indicative of depression and past trauma. - Desert Hope by
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  • Compare this term in: Catalan, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, Finnish, Hungarian, Korean, Korean, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

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