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    • English
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        • Term
          • hitbox
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          • Hitboxes are a developer's way of defining the space around an object — usually one that's animated — that can be hit in real-time. Some objects will have a set of hitboxes that overlap each other, ensuring that no matter how fast the thing is going, the range around its shape is as accurate as mathematically possible Mashable
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Hitboxes are so elemental to games that whether you're conscious of them or not, you're always playing around them, feeling out their shapes and the flexibility they offer. - PCGamer by
          • If you want to give an attack more “priority” you give it a bigger hitbox. This allows it to beat other moves with smaller hitboxes. - Gamecrate by
          • Why have we singled out first-person shooters for this feature? Because it’s the genre that contains the most varied hitboxes, and where hitboxes have the most tangible impact on the action. - gitconnected by
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    • German
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          • Hitbox
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          • Eine Hitbox (auch Hit-Box; engl. für „Trefferkasten“) beschreibt einen vordefinierten, virtuellen, für den Anwender üblicherweise nicht sichtbaren Bereich um ein 3D-Modell in einer 3D-Engine (bzw. Game-Engine), welcher zur Berechnung von Kollisionen und/oder Trefferabfragen genutzt wird. Hitboxen dienen hierbei vorwiegend zur Vereinfachung von Berechnungen, da 3D-Modelle, insbesondere jene von Personen, aus einer Vielzahl von Polygonen bestehen. Je komplexer die Engine, desto ähnlicher wird die Hitbox dem entsprechenden 3D-Modell. Wikipedia - by Ilona Brophy-Lehmann
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