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    • English
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          • easter egg
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          • Undocumented objects or features within a game i.e. secret rooms or objects. Cybersmile
        • Example sentence(s)
          • As I walked through the room where “the cake is a lie” is plastered on the walls I felt that my status in the video game internet community was elevated. Not only did the Easter egg add some fun narrative to the game, it also made me feel like I belonged even more in the video game internet community. - Games And Impact by
          • For six months after Arkham Asylum was released, nobody knew about its big Easter egg, so the developers had to show it themselves. Go into the warden’s office inside Arkham Mansion and blow up the left wall by the fireplace. A secret room! And inside the secret room? Blueprints for a city-sized expansion of Arkham Asylum, a teaser for the game’s sequel, Arkham City. - digitaltrends by
          • Ridiculous animal cameos are a regular Easter egg treat in games. Gears of War had its golden chicken, Diablo 2 had its secret cow level, and gangster epic Saints Row 2 has ...a giant purple bunny that emerges from the ocean. - The Guardian by
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    • French
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          • easter egg
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          • You can also sometimes find "œuf de Pâques", but the English term is more used. Wikipedia - by Cathy Lefloch
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Les anciennes consoles n’ont pas dévoiler tous leurs secrets, et la preuve en est avec cet easter-egg plutôt simple à réaliser. - Journal du Geek by Cathy Lefloch
          • Les easter eggs se déclenchent en saisissant par exemple une suite de touches, ou en cliquant à des endroits insolites - Comment ça marche by Cathy Lefloch
          • Mais parfois, ces petites surprises qu'on appelle des Easter Eggs sont bien cachées, voir, très bien cachées et il faut faire preuve de beaucoup de patience et surtout, faire travailler ses méninges pour parvenir à mettre la main dessus ! - Hitek by Cathy Lefloch
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    • Russian
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          • пасхалка
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          • Секрет в компьютерной игре, фильме или программном обеспечении, заложенный создателями. Отличие пасхального яйца в игре от обычного игрового секрета состоит в том, что его содержание, как правило, не вписывается в общую концепцию, выглядит в контексте неправдоподобно, нелепо, и зачастую является внешней ссылкой. Wikipedia - by Rustam Shafikov
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  • Compare this term in: Albanian, Arabic, German, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Italian, Portuguese, Turkish

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