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    • English
      • Human Resources
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          • Term
            • telecommuting
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Telecommuting or working from home is a flexible work arrangement that enables an employee, a consultant, or a contractor, to work distantly from the employer all or part of the time.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • It's extremely rare to find a job that starts out as a telecommuting job. It's much more common to convert an existing job into a telecommuting arrangement by presenting a thoughtful and comprehensive proposal to your supervisor. -
            • Millions of people in the United States and around the world have discovered the power, the pleasure, and the productivity improvement that comes with Telecommuting to work. - The American Telecommuting Association
            • Telecommuting does not necessarily imply working at home. Satellite "telework" centers near or in residential areas, fully equipped with appropriate telecommunications equipment and services, can serve employees of single or multiple firms, co-located on the basis of geography rather than business function. - USA DOT RITA
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    • Portuguese
      • Human Resources
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          • Term
            • teletrabalho flexível, teletrabalho móvel
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • O teletrabalho flexível, também designado por teletrabalho móvel ou nómada (Gray, Hodson e Gordon, 1993), corresponde aos trabalhadores que recorrem a equipamentos portáteis e às telecomunicações móveis como forma de alternarem frequentemente o local a partir do qual desempenham a sua actividade profissional (como por exemplo: aeroportos, comboios, quartos de hotel, centros de exposições, bibliotecas, etc.) e de onde comunicam com a entidade com a qual têm um contrato de trabalho, ou para a qual estão simplesmente a prestar um serviço ocasional em regime de consultoria externa. Flávio Nunes - by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
          • Example sentence(s)
            • solução é lembrar que o melhor teletrabalho é o teletrabalho flexível - GoHome by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
            • O Teletrabalho pode ser exercido a partir de casa, telecentros (espaços preparados), centros de escritórios-satélites e o cada vez mais divulgado teletrabalho móvel que poderá ser exercido a partir de qualquer ponto onde se encontre o teletrabalhador. - Alentejo Forum by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
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    • Dutch
      • Human Resources
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          • Term
            • telewerken
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Telewerken is het flexibiliseren van werk naar plaats en tijd, waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van informatie- en communicatietechnologie. Telewerkforum - by Hester Eymers
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Meer telewerken betekent: een hogere productiviteit (minder tijdverlies in de file, flexibel met je tijd omgaan), een beter milieu (minder files), een hogere arbeidsmarktparticipatie (herintredende moeders en gedeeltelijk gehandicapten kunnen makkelijker terugkeren) en een betere ‘quality of life’ (werken en wonen waar je wilt). - Telecom biz blog by Hester Eymers
            • Telewerk is thuiswerk dat mogelijk wordt gemaakt door de aanwezigheid van telecommunicatieverbindingen (vaak een internetverbinding) met de buitenwereld. TNO geeft als definitie: "arbeid die op afstand van de werk- of opdrachtgever wordt uitgevoerd met behulp van informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT)". - Wikipedia by Hester Eymers
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    • Slovak
      • Human Resources
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          • Term
            • Práca na diaľku
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Ide o prácu, ktorá sa vykonáva doma a to buď úplne alebo len čiastočne, záleží to od druhu práce ako aj od dohody so zamestnávateľom. Je to práca na diaľku, pri ktorej sa väčšinou využívajú moderné informačné a telekomunikačné technológie - telepráca. Zamestnanec nedochádza do práce na pracovisko, ale jeho pracovisko sa nachádza doma. Internet - by Michal Zugec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Práca na diaľku odľahčuje aj hlavné cestné ťahy v mestách a tým aj záťaž na životné prostredie. Každá minca má však dve strany a aj tento druh práca nesie so sebou určité riziká. Chýba komunikácia s kolegami. V prvých dňoch je to pozitívum, v dlhodobejšom horizonte to má zlý vplyv na psychiku zamestnanca. - Telework by Michal Zugec
            • Práca na diaľku sa vo svete čoraz väčšmi využíva. Koncom 20. storočia to bolo v krajinách EÚ okolo 4 miliónov ľudí a podľa niektorých predpovedí by to v roku 2007 mohlo byť až 40 miliónov v ľudí. Najviac sa teleworking využíva v severských štátoch - Dánsko (takmer 10 %), Fínsko (vyše 8 %) a Švédsko (8 %), ďalej Holandsko (9 %), Veľká Británia (7 %). Francúzi alebo Taliani naopak tento spôsob prác neobľubujú. - by Michal Zugec
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