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    • English
      • Poetry & Literature
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          • Term
            • flashback
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            • A narrated scene that marks a break in the narrative in order to inform the reader or audience member about events that took place before the opening scene of a work. Bedford/St. Martin's
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Convoluted flashback structures are not only intellectually based, they tend to distance the viewer from that 'simple reality' they come to the movies to enjoy. It is no surprise that many great movies with complicated or innovative flashback structures were not particularly popular, not crowd-pleasers. - by
            • It is true that flashbacks can make the majority of the story confusing, but the concept is a bit like putting a puzzle together - you're not really sure where each piece fits or what the picture really looks like until the very end. Therein lies the payoff. - by
            • The flashback should be prompted by an incident, dialog, or intense action which brings a vivid memory to the character. - by
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    • Croatian
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • tehnika retrospekcije
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            • Narativna tehnika kojom se publici pruža dobar uvid u radnju pisanog djela ili filma opisom događaja koji su prethodili sadašnjem trenutku i koji su vitalni za osnovnu strukturu priče. Ovo se postiže ili prikazom kronologije događaja, ili refleksijom svijesti datog junaka i njegovog unutarnjeg monologa. Own research - by Lingua 5B
          • Example sentence(s)
            • No nema smisla pisati dalje o predstavi kao nekoj apstraktnoj strukturi, koja odlično kombinira kazalište s filmskom tehnikom retrospekcije (flashback); ili prijeći na moćnu, a tako, s nekoliko čistih poteza, jednostavnu scenu (Thomas Mika) koja se onda projekcijom rasplinjuje u nježni unutarnji svijet, negdje među laticama, a ne naglasiti njezinu najvažniju dimenziju – likove. - by Lingua 5B
            • U svijesti glavnoga lika pratimo tehnikom filmske retrospekcije njegovo preispitivanje vlastitih postupaka u proteklim zbivanjima, a ujedno lik se nalazi u grozničavu traganju za spašavanjem poljuljane ravnoteže životne uhodanosti. - Matica Hrvatska by Lingua 5B
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    • Chinese
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • 倒叙,闪回
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            • (电影的)闪回, 闪回镜头; (戏剧、 小说等的)倒叙, 倒叙情节 Own research - by IC --
          • Example sentence(s)
            • flashback [ˈflæʃbæk] n. 急转, 闪回, 倒叙 E-C American Heritage Dictionary flashback flash.back AHD: [fl²sh“b²k”] D.J. [6fl#.7b#k] K.K. [6fl#.7b#k] n.(名词) 1. A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative. 倒叙,闪回镜头:一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情 2. The episode or scene depicted by means of this device. 以这种手法描写的事件或场景 3. An unexpected recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug long after its original use. 药效幻觉重现:致幻药使用很长时间后药效的意想不到的重现 4. Psychology A recurring, intensely vivid mental image of a past traumatic experience: 【心理学】 重现:过去受伤的经历在脑海中生动重现的影象: “Another study shows that women who served in Vietnam still struggle with depression, anxiety, and painful flashbacks from the war”(&b{New York Times}) “另外一项研究表明在越南服过役的妇女们仍然在消沉、焦虑和战争的痛苦回忆中挣扎”(纽约时报) - Concise English-Chinese Dictionary by IC --
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    • Lithuanian
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • retrospekcija
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            • retrospekcija [lot. retrospicio – žiūriu atgal]: 1. praeities įvykių, faktų pri(si)minimas; 2. men. vaizdavimo būdas – praeities įvykių perkėlimas į dabartį; pasakojimas apie tai, kas buvo prieš prasidedant literatūros kūrinio arba filmo veiksmui. Tarpt. žodžių žodynas - by Aivaras Zilvinskas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Dar vienas „neindiškas“ bruožas - linijinio pasakojimo suardymas, vietoj nuoseklios lėtos naracijos - retrospekcija, asociatyvios jungtys, kaitomą filmo ritmą pabrėžiantis aštrus ir tikslus montažas, iš kurio labiausiai ir atpažįsti „Traukinių žymėjimo“ kūrėją. - 7 meno dienos by Aivaras Zilvinskas
            • 2000 m. sukurtas dokumentinis filmas „Dar rašoma istorija“36 priklauso tematiškai vyraujančių XX a. Lietuvos istorijos temas gvildenančių dokumentinių filmų ir laidų grupei. [...] Tad konstruojant nesiremiama vienu principu, bet pasitelkiama retrospekcija (dabarties mokslinis atradimas tampa impulsu kalbėti apie praeitį)/ - Lietuvos istorijos studijos by Aivaras Zilvinskas
            • Mūsų filme teismo scenas papildo retrospekcijos ir grįžimai į praeitį, susiję su Emolės Rouz egzorcizmais. - 7 meno dienos by Aivaras Zilvinskas
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