The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Catalan to English Medical: Health Care Translation Glossary

Catalan term English translation
ACV: TsCsRs Cardiac auscultation: rhythmic heart sounds
com a reconeixement per a certs profesionals in acknowledgement of certain professionals, as a reward...
Corporació Sanitària Health Corporation
Data tancament Date of completion
Desti Discharged to / discharge status
Fx cap de radi Fracture of the head of the radius
habitació assistencial treatment rooms
habitatges tutelats sheltered housing
Horaris lliscants flexible schedules/timetables
IC Clinical Institute (Institut Clínic)
illisa rough but llisa means smooth
llista d'espera waiting list
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
matrícula registration, matriculation
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Num. coldegiat Medical Association registration number
OBMI Optical Blood Microscopy Image
prevenció de l’envelliment anti-aging programme
SOU (Catalan healthcare context) SOU (Ordinary Emergency Service)
Tingui l'informe médic a ma have your/the medical report to hand)
TOT Tub orotraqueal = orotracheal tube
voluntats anticipades (document de) Living will
zeladors hospital porters
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