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Danish to English Medical: Cardiology Translation Glossary

Danish term English translation
accessorisk ledningsbane accessory conduction pathway
AKS regimen ACS
Entered by: Helen Johnson
anterior mitralflig. anterior mitral leaflet left common femoral artery
Entered by: liz askew
AT almen tilstand general appearance
atrieflagren atril fibrillation (A-fib, AF)
ØO abbreviation Other organs
BAK Bicuspid aortic valve or BAV
BBH Bispebjerg Hospital
Entered by: David Rumsey
buerødderne the nerve roots (emerging) between the vertebral arches are intact
Entered by: Helen Johnson
BV attending physician (on call)
Entered by: David Rumsey
CT-C CT caput
Entered by: David Rumsey
DDD-PM DDD pacemaker (DDD PM), dual chamber pacemaker
Entered by: Christine Andersen
Det er stille forventet mors 4/20-15 at 2:32 Death occurred quietly as expected
Entered by: David Rumsey
e.l. egen læge
Entered by: David Rumsey
ego (engangsordination) one-time prescription
EPM Electronic Patient Medication (EPM)
Entered by: David Rumsey
Farvejettet the color jet
fnug nep
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Forlænget Eksspirt prolonged expiration
FV Junior hospital doctor (or equivalent)
Entered by: David Rumsey
gang i maven constipated
Entered by: dmesnier
glat afvikling af HLM smooth discontinuation of CPB
Entered by: Christine Andersen
grænsesignifikant borderline significant
HA arterial hypertension/hypertension
Entered by: liz askew
hæmatinkorn haematin granules
Entered by: David Rumsey
hjemkøbe obtain
hypokaliæmi hypokalemia - low potassium
I-status Infection status
IGN Immunoglobin heavy chain (Ign)
Entered by: David Rumsey
intima fortykkelse intima or intimal thickening
Entered by: David Rumsey
klinisk upåfaldende med ingen klager clinically unremarkable with no complaints
Entered by: Michele Fauble
koronarosti coronary ostia
KS regime corticosteroid
LA under local anaesthetic
Entered by: Christine Andersen
LA abbreviation LA (left atrium)
Entered by: Christine Andersen
Entered by: dmesnier
massek. mass c. (mass concentration)
Entered by: Helen Johnson
mb. cordis arteriosclerotis et incompensatus tractata arteriosclerotic heart disease and controlled (treated) heart failure
MIS tests mycardial infarctions tests/tests for MIs
Entered by: liz askew
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