The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Finnish to English Automotive / Cars & Trucks Translation Glossary

Finnish term English translation
...merkkiin on totuttu luottamaan maailmanlaajuisesti myös pelireissuilla. ...[people] have come to rely on this brand the world over on game trips too.
Entered by: Klaus Petzel
13-vaiheinen jonotyökalu 13-step follow-on tool
Entered by: Desmond O'Rourke
ajolaite operating equipment
Aks. massat kevenn. ylhällä axle masses when liftable axles are raised
alapallonivel lower universal ball joint
ALB:N kuormituksen mukaan säätyvä jarruventtiili = ALB-venttiili
Autoalan ennusteryhmä road transport forecasting group
Entered by: Desmond O'Rourke
helmalevikkeet side skirts
jäärapa ice scraper
K-Kertoimet K coefficients
kuormakori cargo body
laskentapaine estimated pressure
mallinnettu simulated
nostoteliauto tandem bogie lift
NYPL Fluid overpressure anti-lock brake-system (ABS)
tulppavikainen ignition plug problem
VIITT. refer to OR in reference to OR (even) see
VK/KRO power of attorney / processed extract from the register
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