The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Economics Translation Glossary

French term English translation
concurrence entre émetteurs de titres competition between securities issuers
taux de change nominal coté au certain nominal exchange rate quoted in price notation
"clique concessionaire" the clique, the current concessionaire
"un long parcours administratif" a lengthy administrative process
Entered by: Nathalie Bendavid
Accompagnement sur le terrain practical assistance
acte de gestion management liability protection
agence de moyens ou d'objectifs use of resources as agent or resource agent
ajustement budgétaire brutal de 10 points du PIB dramatic budget cuts equivalent to 10% of GDP
ampleur extent
ancrage théorique sound theoretical basis
ardoise notepad computer / tablet PC
Entered by: Laurel Clausen
assainissements budgétaires budget cuts / public spending cuts
Associations Villageoises d’Epargne et de Crédit village-owned savings and credit associations
assurances aux banques (prefer) insurance to banking
avantages préjudiciables advantages detrimental to [others]
échelle de classification classification scale
Entered by: Wyley Powell
économie de traite trading economy
éducation tertiaire tertiary education
élevage upselling
étape de valeur stage of the value added process
baisse simultanée et dans les mêmes proportions de tous les prix contractuels all contract prices to drop together and in proportion / proportionately
Entered by: Tony M
balance agricole agricultural balance of trade
baudruche bubble (false optimism)
bien orientees well-targeted
biens collectifs purs PURE PUBLIC GOODS
bouclage macroéconomique macro-economic relationships or ramifications
caisses de base local credit institutions
circuit de distribution court short channel of distribution
codes NAF nomenclature (or classification) of French activities, or standard French industrial classifications
commerce de flux retail trade in high traffic areas
commoditisation commodification or commoditization
communiquer issue statements
Entered by: Mark Nathan
condition de non nullité zero lower bound
confiage entrusting to
conjonctures spécifiques specific economic climate/environment/conditions
consommation courante energy consumption satisfying everyday demands (such as cooking, washing and such like)
contra-cyclicité countercyclicality
contrainte budgétaire inter-temporelle intertemporal budget/budgetary constraint
contribution entend dresser un etat des lieux de la reflexion This contribution aims/intends to draw up a summary of current thought/thinking on the subject
coupes sombres sweeping cuts
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