The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Military / Defense Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
base de fogo móvel mobile firepower platform
"de bivac e balalaica" forage cap and fatigues
...camarote do Oficial Imediato e do Oficial Superior first mate and chief officer cabin / first/chief mate and chief/senior officer cabin
acionador tipo E.O.T (espoleta de ogiva de tempo) time fuze/fuse
acionar notify (requiring immeidate action)/require
aeroembarcar airborne
Ajudância Geral general adjutancy
alamar braid
ALF PILAV Flight Ensign/Second Lieutenant
alferes miliciano 2nd lieutenant in the militia
Alistador recruiter/enlistment officer
apto a promoção a qualfied to be promoted to
aquartelamento cantonment
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
arma de dotação standard issue weapon/service weapon
Armas, quadros e serviços division, cadre and services
Aspirante Oficial Miliciano Aspirant
Asse Acomp Cto Contract Management and Monitoring Advisory Board
atividade castrense military activity
baleiro bullet belt / cartridge belt
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
BI IB - Internal/In-house/House Bulletin
Entered by: Ana Vozone
bombas para festa junina thunderflash
Braço Forte - Mão Amiga Powerful Arm - Helping Hand
C.T.I.E.I Comando Territorial Independente do Estado da Índia
cabeças pensantes expert analysts
cabo-mor Petty officer third class (USA) / corporal (UK)
Entered by: Sergio Carré
calco (militar) tactical map (military)
cartucho picotado spent cartridges
Entered by: judith ryan
caso omisso case not provided for
Entered by: Ana Vozone
Câmara dos Oficiais Officers' Mess
certificado de dispensa de incorporação (cdi) Certificate of Exemption from the Draft
classe de comportamento standards of behaviour
cofre de assalto ammunition box / ammo box
coissao comissário
com esta baixo that I issue with this / that I issue here
Entered by: judith ryan
comandante eventual interim commander
Compensação Offset
corrediça slide
Entered by: Todd Field
Curso de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais Officer Training Course
dimensões continentais continental dimensions
Entered by: Valeria Verona
direcção da arma de engenharia Military Engineering Command
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