The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Surveying Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Citros Embrapa's Active Citrus Germplasm Bank
Entered by: airmailrpl
campo de institucionalização do movimento field of institutionalization of the (black) women's movement
configurações patterns, configurations
diagonal do diagrama de dispersão (in relation to the) scatterplot diagonal line / in relation to the diagonal line of the sc
dismutase do superóxido citosólica cytosolic superoxide dismutase
forma disponível, trocável (cd is present in an) available and tranferrable form
frente`a logica do capital through (in terms of) capital's logic
lâmina de água water layer, layer of water
matriz do chorume Leachate matrix
movimento de pedalagem dos membros pedalling movement of the legs
a 10% de óleo em clorofórmio at 10% oil in chloroform
Abuso sonoro noise pollution
Entered by: Mark Robertson
acesso available citrus species
acometimento clínico e funcional respiratório Breathing functional and clinical assault
agitador de tubos tube shaker
ajuste de empates break-even adjustments
alunos do mestrado Master's degree candidates/students
amostragem não-probabilística por conveniência non-probabilistic sampling by convenience
amplitude da passada amplitude of step length
análise inventarial anallysis using a screening inventory
análise termodiferencial differential thermal analysis
ao nível de consumo nulo with absolutely nil/no consumption
aporte energético dietético diet energy intake
aporte fluvial river load
aquecedor de combinação combined water and space heater
arraçoamento ótimo ideal feed ration
ato (neste contexto) (cecotrophy) acts
através da validade concorrente by/through concurrent validity
autocusto built in costs, development costs
à base de fibra natural de curauá made from natural pineapple leaf fibers
betume grout
blor mould
característica da amostra sample characterization
carcinicultura mundial shrimp farming worldwide
cariomorfologia Karyomorphology
casa de vegetação rústica 6x7x39 rustic greenhouse measuring 6x7x39 m
catação (sham) louse picking/grooming
catexe corporal body cathexis
centro de extensao extension center
Entered by: Martin Riordan
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