The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Romanian to German Electronics / Elect Eng Translation Glossary

Romanian term German translation
regim de socuri Schockbetrieb
(sistem) multiconductor, (cablu) multiconductor Mehrleiter(system), Mehrleiterkabel
Entered by: Gabriel Barabas
barete N si PE Null- und Erdungsleiter
Captator de curent Stromabnehmer/ Gleitbügel
Entered by: Gabriel Barabas
dispozitive R.A.R. automatische Schnellwiedereinschaltung/ Kurzunterbrechung/ automatische Wiedereinschaltung
Entered by: Gabriel Barabas
Echipament de captare a curentului Stromabnahmevorrichtung
Entered by: Gabriel Barabas
impedanţa de scăpări a transformatorului Verlustimpedanz
Entered by: Gabriel Barabas
Netzgerät alimentator reţea / bloc de alimentare
priză dublă voce-date Netzwerk-Dose 2-fach
Schemă desfăşurată Stromlaufplan
Schemă monofilară Einliniendiagramm
Schemă uzianară Aufbauplan
tablou general Zentralschalttafel
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