The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
a nivel de rasgos formales. in terms of formal features
curva de horno furnace curve
depósitos deposits
grabado calcografico chalcographic engraving
la imaginacion al poder (when) imagination rules
la memoria va actuando de manera diferente con el tiempo where memory exerts a differential effect over the course of time
restallante crackling
"dorado a la hoja" gilt-leaf frames
"la moda de ser un lienzo al óleo andante" the fashion/trend of being a walking oil painted canvas
"Muralla con tranvía de caballos y paseantes, de Van Gogh" Road running beside the Paris Ramparts
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
"retrato de aparato" court portrait
"teatro semi-montado" staged reading
(se escogió la forma de) cartela cartouche
+PA + Artist\'s proof
Entered by: David Russell
... desfonda el abismo de lo sublime ... goes beyond the utmost depths of sublimity
... si no incompletas y recompuestas, que toman a cargo su incompletud para ... ... if not incomplete and patched up, which make use of that fact to ...
...ante los que pocos pararían mientes... (as part of the phrase below) to which most people wouldn't give a second thought
...siendo la principal uno de con sus fetiches favoritos: la pipa... ...the main one being one of his favourite vices: the pipe
Entered by: Edward Tully
..Bellver recurre a la composicion por celdillas Stereotypes/stereotyping
Entered by: Edward Tully
a cual más retardataria of a reactionary society
A la intuición del lector I instinctively associate his works with...
a la luz de nuestra centuria inspired by present-day trends
a la trepa stencilled
a medida que avanza in her progress towards
a partir de based on
a punta de pincel Fine brushstroke
a quote by monet, help please! Please see below:
Entered by: eski
a sangre no border
Entered by: Robert Mavros
a todo eso, que no es poco which is no mean feat/quite a feat
Entered by: Edward Tully
añil tenuifolio tenuifolio indigo
aúna en su enunciado continente y contenido encompasses both container and content
abigarramiento narrativo narrative mayhem/chaos/confusion, etc.
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
abstracciones gestuales action painting
acaso de fábula perhaps fantastic/hard to believe
Entered by: Edward Tully
acción event/happening
acecho "miope" "near-sighted" observation
acercamiento panorámico sweeping overview, broad overview, panoramic approach
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
acercar la obra de arte a su potencial sensual. enabling works of art to realise their sensory potential
acervo razonado This carefully/prudently considered collection...
Achurado hatching
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