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Swedish to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

Swedish term English translation
A-lag wineos
äger rules
är du avis are you jealous/envious (or "jealous much?")
åttastrofig a little poem in eight verses
barnrumpa immature behavior like a child
bondeskald ploughman poet
ett litet John Silver. a small pack of John Silver
f.f.g for the first time
flyt readability
FNL:are och flummare peaceniks (Vietniks) and slackers
folkskrift writing for the people
Fröken Duktig Miss Know-It-All
Fristadsförfattare Shelter city
fritt efter inspired by / based on / from an original idea by / freely adapted
gammpojkar embittered/confirmed bachelor
Entered by: David Rumsey
gråvädersrealism grey skies realism
gubbmage paunch
handelsträdgård nursery
istermunkar lard dougnuts
kälkpartier sledging parties (social event)
klassresenär socially mobile person
konfliktfylld conflictual
kvinnomedveten conscious of gender equality
lång- och lerhalm as if they were glued to each other
Liten tuva stjälper stora lass A small stone in the way overturns a great wain
litteraturvetare literary scholar
missfirmelse criminal libel / defamation
motskrift polemical writing (against...)
näbbskor Lappshoes; Sami shoes
Nu jävlar! Finally!/Sheesh!/This is it!/Now, damn it!/Here we go!
ostadiga shaky/unsteady
pagen pageboy
samtidsdebatterande dealing with contemporary issues / on contemporary issues
sedeskildring novel of manners
sila mygg och svälja kameler not see the forest for the trees
Entered by: David Rumsey
sitta stilla i båten don't rock the boat (for the time being)
skörlevnad in sin
starkt driven intrig forceful plot
stilbrytning change of style
styrdans ballroom dancing, cheek-to-cheek dancing
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