Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Le definizioni contenute nel presente glossario sono intese a migliorare la comprensione dei termini che sono regolarmente utilizzati nelle pagine della Rete giudiziaria europea. Esse non hanno pertanto carattere di definizioni giuridiche in senso stretto.
Legal dictionary
Serge Braudo | http://www.dictionnaire-juridique.c...
Legal terms and concepts defined alphabetically and in detail. Sources provided.
English-Spanish Glossary
Developed by the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice |
English-Spanish Glossary of Federal Agencies, Officials and Laws Glosario inglés-español de nombres de agencias, oficiales y leyes federales
Criminal Justice Glossary
Arizona Crime Victims Website |
Commercial brochure with a glossary of real estate terms used in Australia on pp. 56-58.
French juridical glossary
Department of Justice in France |
Les définitions des termes utilisés dans le Ministère de la Justice
EU terminology database
Ministry of Justice, Hungary |
A searchable dictionary of terms in 4 languages (the results appear in the 3 other languages), names of EU institutions, treaties etc. Search enabled for whole words and segments, usually a reference document is also indicated, with a Celex number (and link).
PHP database with A-Z index. 4000 entries. "The objective of the Dictionary, which was produced as part of the process of standardizing French common law vocabulary, is essentially to expand the use of uniform terminological solutions. More specifically, the Dictionary is intended to provide methods of expressing concepts that are unique to the com... View more