Translation Glossaries from the Web
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A personal record of everything I have ever needed to check or find out. As such it is something of a "mixed bag", with a particular (though not exclusive) focus on respiratory disease, occupational safety and health (OSH) and environmental toxicology. The Glossary is fully searchable, so it can be used by translators working into and out of Englis... View more
Invaders Database System
University of Montana - Division of Biological Science |
The INVADERS Database is a comprehensive database of exotic plant names and weed distribution records for five states in the northwestern United States. (ENGLISH MONO)
This free resource was developed by our staff members and contributors and is still very much under construction. Currently, most of our 8300+ terms deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics. We also have some terms relating to ecology, limnology, pharmacology, toxicology and medicine. Don't expect to find common or e... View more
Glossary of Medical Terms ,Abbreviations, and Symbols
private compilation |
extensive searchable glossary of medical terms, including chemical terms This is a personal compilation, with a special, though not exclusive, interest in respiratory disease, occupational safety and health (OSH) and environmental toxicology. It is designed primarily for translators working into English but may also be helpful the other way roun... View more