Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1751-1775 of 8054 results
These terms have their origin in the updated 1992 Olympic dictionaries and in vocabularies revised by specialists from the corresponding federations for other sports.
Daniela Rogall |
"Dies soll ein Nachschlagewerk rund um das Hobby Stempeln werden." - Noch verbesserungsbedürftig, aber schon brauchbar. Viele englische Ausdrücke erklärt.
Terminología del análisis lítico en Arqueología
Dra. Giovanna Winchkler |
The archaeological object is an observable one, which the archaeologist had to learn how to observe. This observation requires an adequate and precise knowledge of those terms and expressions that constitute such object. I consider in this research that the knowledge of the science is built through the language and the particular ways in which i... View more
Educational Terms Glossary
General Directorate for the Development of Instructional Technology, Saudi Ministry of Education |
Arabic > English glossary of educational terms, covering school administration, educational and developmental psychology, pedagogy and much more.
Arabic Business Dictionary
Morry Sofer, Adnane Ettaybi |
Up-to-date business terms including banking, the internet, computers, accounting, insurance, real estate, taxes, and more, designed to facilitate communication and cross linguistic barriers. 172 pages, most of which are viewable on Google Books.
The site is in German. Click the links under "Inhalt" to get to the dictionary pages.
Glossary of Tourism Terms, NL (EN)
Duurzaam- Toerisme (Belgium) |
Dutch Glossary of Tourism Terms, 29 pages
"This database contains 1805 technical terms encountered in the field of plastics technology in 5 languages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish). A proven aid when communicating with your business colleagues abroad and for translating technical articles in foreign languages. "
Glossary on macroeconomics from a gender perspective (Report48)
Patricia Alexander with Sally Baden |
This glossary provides a concise introduction to the key concepts relevant to macroeconomics and its applications, highlighting the gender dimensions of current economic thinking. It also indicates aspects of policy formation and evaluation where these dimensions are increasingly taken into account. The glossary has been prepared primarily ... View more
A legal dictionary, based on Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©2001.
MonAKO Glossary
University of Helsinki |
Definitions of central concepts in Translation Studies and possible translations in Finnish, Swedish, German and French.
Can also be downloaded as an .rtf file.
Insurance glossary by Aegon, one of the world ’s largest life insurance and pension companies, and a strong provider of investment products.
glossary of terms - jewish community in zagreb
Jewish community in Zagreb |
scientific glossary nuclear
Cesko-nemecky glosar zkratek
Martina Ledermann |
Here you will find a Czech-German glossary of Czech abbreviations. Have fun with it!
Glossaire des termes financiers français
Leksikon građevinskih strojeva (hrvatski, engleski, njemački)
IL GRANDE ITALIANO di Aldo Gabrielli IL GRANDE ITALIANO 2960 pagine 500 000 voci, accezioni e definizioni Sinonimi, contrari, etimologie Voci della terminologia scientifica, dall'informatica all'economia Voci regionali, dialettali, gergali e familiari entrate nella lingua comune Voci e locuzioni straniere entrate nell'uso quotidiano Voc... View more
English-Chinese Dictionary
Nicholas Lejeune |
An excellent English to Chinese online dictionary.
ATT Spanish Glossary of Automotive Terms
ATT Training Ltd. |
ATT excels in automotive training. The company now enjoys a market leading position in the UK. Automotive Terms from English to Spanish + Description
French-English Dictionary
Nicholas Lejeune |
An excellent French to English dictionary which loads very fast.
Yiddish Dictionary Online | http://www.yiddishdictionaryonline....
Yiddish-English and English-Yiddish online dictionary. You may type with Latin or Hebrew letters.
Ted Margulis |
Наразі у Словнику 23630 статей, котрі охоплюють термінологію зі сфер культури, науки, політики, економіки та ін. Усі словникові статті містять етимологічну довідку (див. список скорочень) і вказівку на сферу застосування чи вживання терміну. Ви можете переглянути статті Словника в алфавітному порядку або знайти тлумачення певного терміну через фор... View more
English/Arabic Statistical Glossary
Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics |
An Excel sheet containing a large number of statistical terms in English and their equivalents in Arabic.
Sesta edizione dello storico volume del Centro Lessicografico Sansoni, Il Sansoni Tedesco perpetua la sua tradizione di precisione, documentazione, puntualità, e ricchezza del lemmario. È il più ricco e il più chiaro dizionario di Tedesco sul mercato e mantiene inoltre il primato nella completezza e aggiornamento dei linguaggi specialistici scient... View more
L’unico dizionario che segue l’intero percorso che va dalla parola alla frase al testo. Un dizionario che si consulta non solo per controllare l’esatta grafia e l’esatta pronuncia delle parole o per conoscere il significato di quelle ignote, ma altrettanto e anche più frequentemente per controllare l’esatta costruzione delle frasi e per guidare al... View more
Edizione aggiornata e rinnovata del dizionario elaborato negli anni Settanta dal Centro Lessicografico Sansoni guidato dal prof. Vladimiro Macchi. Attraverso il riordino e l'arricchimento del lemmario, con messa a lemma di migliaia di multiword verbs (anche noti come phrasal verbs), il Sansoni Inglese traccia la strada della nuova lessicografia e ... View more
A very useful English to Bengali Dictionary (Also known as English to Bangla Dictionary or Bangla Ovidhan). This online dictionary loads very fast and has a nice user friendly interface.
Glossaire de la metallurgie
Conservatoire national des arts et metiers |
DOP Dizionario d'Ortografia e di Pronunzia
RAI (Italian TV) |
Italian Dictionary of orthography and pronunciation with 129.000 words (92.000 in italian and 37.000 in other languages), 6.000 citations (that you can listen to) from Italian literature
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology
IF Research Group, University of Montreal |
An English-French dictionary published by IF Research Group (director: Prof. Colin H. Davidson; collaborators: Michel Jullien, Pierre Garneau, and Jean-Jacques Chailloux). Electronic version designed and installed by Dana J. Vanier and Chenhao Chi.) English related terms and expressions glossary of Construction Science and Technology area.
Es wurde nach der Leitmaxime konzipiert, dass es ein Wirtschafts-Lexikon mit dem Schwerpunkt Handel handeln sein sollte unter Einschluss einschlägiger Begriffe des bürgerlichen Rechts, des Handels-, des Steuer-, Arbeits-, Sozial-, Wettbewerbs- und Gesellschaftsrechts, sofern sie mit Handelstätigkeiten und -funktionen in einem engen Wirkzusammenhang... View more
Termes français et anglais utilisé dans le secteur import/export - définitions en français
il Larousse Francese
Larousse / Corriere della Sera |
Dizionario Français-Italien Italiano-Francese
Il Larousse Francese è un grande dizionario di eccellenza, con un impianto linguistico totalmente nuovo, modellato sulla struttura del Sansoni Inglese e Sansoni Tedesco di cui perpetua la tradizione di precisione, documentazione, puntualità e straordinaria ricchezza del lemmario.
Contiene le tra... View more
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
Merriam-Webster |
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is based on the print version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. Pronunciation included. English/English - English/Spanish - Medical
Skating-skeelering terminology
Woordenlijst IJshockey
Broadcasttext |
List of ice hockey terms
Lijst van juridische begrippen Engels-Nederlands
Bouwbegrijpen, lijsten, woordenlijst nederlands-engels