Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
informed consent
Romanian translation:
consimţământ informat
Sep 16, 2008 14:25
16 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term
informed consent
English to Romanian
Medical: Health Care
Definition from
US Food and Drug Administration:
The process of obtaining a patient's permission for a procedure after the patient and doctor have discussed the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure and the patient understands them.
Example sentences:
As long as the patient is mentally and physically able to make his or her own decisions, medical care cannot begin unless the patient gives informed consent. (American Cancer Society)
Prior to surgery, your child's physician will give you a careful explanation of what procedure will be performed and the risks involved. You will be asked to sign an informed consent form which states in detail that you understand the risks and benefits of your child's surgery. (Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York)
To give informed consent to all procedures and treatment to be rendered, and to have questions answered; and to refuse and/or to discontinue procedures and treatment and to be informed of the consequences of such a decision. (Washington Adventist Hospital)
Proposed translations
4 +8 | consimţământ informat | Cristina Bolohan |
Change log
Sep 19, 2008 14:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
6 mins
consimţământ informat
Note added at 18 mins (2008-09-16 14:44:10 GMT)
se mai numeşte şi acordul pacientului informat
Acordul pacientului informat
Art. 649. - (1) Pentru a fi supus la metode de preventie, diagnostic si tratament, cu potential de risc pentru pacient, dupa explicarea lor de catre medic, medic dentist, asistent medical/moasa, conform prevederilor alin. (2) si (3), pacientului i se solicita acordul scris.
(2) In obtinerea acordului scris al pacientului, medicul, medicul dentist, asistentul medical/moasa sunt datori sa prezinte pacientului informatii la un nivel stiintific rezonabil pentru puterea de intelegere a acestuia.
(3) Informatiile trebuie sa contina: diagnosticul, natura si scopul tratamentului, riscurile si consecintele tratamentului propus, alternativele viabile de tratament, riscurile si consecintele lor, prognosticul bolii fara aplicarea tratamentului.
Definition from
own experience or research:
Consimtamantul informat presupune informarea in termeni netehnici, privind: diagnosticul, necesitatea procedurii, beneficiul, riscurile ei, alternative la procedura recomandata (netratare/sau alte tratamente superioare pe care acel medic/spital/tara nu le poate realiza).
Example sentences:
Consimtamantul informat a fost statuat legal in SUA incepand cu 1905, Curtea Suprema de Justitie Minesota (Mohr v. Williams). Structural, un consimtamant informat presupune: elemente de ordin informational (prezentarea si intelegerea informatiilor) si elemente proprii: voluntariatul si competenta psihica (capacitate de exercitiu). (
Note from asker:
one correction - I need a native "lawyer" speaker in this case; if I show you some texts written by absolutely native English lawyers - where one sentence is one page will be ROLF |
by the way - can you still answer my initial answer about the preposition? |
the "lack" is a nice hit however ;) what about this version in such a case? - 8.1.1. Failed to notify the Insurer about the occurrence of the insured event, unless it is proved that the Insurer promptly learned about the accident or that lack of such information on the part of the Insurer could not affect his duty to effect payment; |
I found out that grammatically this should be used as: absence [of][from] |
EUR-Lex - 52006PC0160 - EN - EUR-Lex › EUROPA › EU law and publications › EUR-Lex On the other hand, the Commission cannot accept amendments 134 and 28 because tacit authorisation (in the absence of a reply from the authorities) is key to ... |
8.1.1. Failed to notify the Insurer about the occurrence of the insured event, unless it is proved that the Insurer promptly learned about the accident or that lack of such information on the part of the Insurer could not affect their duty to effect payment; |
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