English term
(to) misgender
Such a law might have reminded Vlaming that misgendering a transgender child is wrong. (CNN)
"Personally, I've been misgendered many times before. and it can be really demoralizing and just frustrating and that people just assume who you are and then try to make excuses for why they have used the wrong pronoun," said owner of Cocoa and Spice, Jennifer Mowad. (NBC29)
Sam Dylan Finch recounts his experience of being misgendered by doctors after attempting suicide, showing why it's critical that doctors do better for transgender patients. (Teen Vogue)
5 +2 | 미스젠더링 | Kang Seok Lee |
5 +1 | fact inquiry | Leo Olivas |
4 | 성호칭 착오 | Chan Park |
Nov 1, 2019 22:21: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Nov 1, 2019 22:31: Andrea Capuselli changed "Vetting" from "Needs Vetting" to "Vet OK"
Nov 1, 2019 22:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Nov 5, 2019 14:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Nov 9, 2019 11:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Note added at 2 days 9 hrs (2019-11-04 08:05:44 GMT)
There is a difference between translation and explanation of the foreign word. '성호칭 착오' of Mr.Chan Park is the correct understanding of 'misgender.' H/ever, Korean people have adopted '미스젠더링' without changing it to Korean word deliberately, which has a significant meaning of gender identity, not organic sexual identification. I think currently Korean people want to sort out 'gender' and 'sex' clearly possible. And when it comes to 'gender' or gender-related new term, it seems that saying the phonetic value of them (gender or gender-related new name) is more natural to them.
Note added at 4 days (2019-11-06 09:06:43 GMT)
Dear GBK team.
I understand you are still asking the corresponding Korean word for 'misgender.'
As you might have read already, I put extra explanation note on Nov.04th as above that though Korean word '성호칭 착오' of Chan Park or other Korean words like '성명칭 착오' or '성호칭 혼동' or whatever similar can be the Korean term for 'misgender'. However, Korean people like/want to distinguish 'sex' and 'gender' by translating 'sex' to '성' and 'gender' to '젠더' respectively such as 'transgender' to '트랜스젠더' or 'gender issue' to '젠더 이슈' not '성전환' and'성 문제'. I understand that translation is not an explanation. Sometimes it is. But most times, translation is finding the corresponding word of the target language. I know because Korean people take transitive verb (to) misgender by Korean '미스젠더링', 미스젠더링 is the correct Korean translation of (to) misgender.
Such a law might have reminded Vlaming that misgendering a transgender child is wrong.
(1)그 법률은 블레밍에게 트랜스젠더 어린이를 미스젠더링하는 것은 잘못된 것이라는 점을 알려주었을 것이다.
(2)그 법률은 블레밍에게 트렌스젠더 어린이의 성을 착오한 것은 잘못된 것이라는 점을 알려주었을 것이다.
Koreans do not understand what the clear point of number (2) translation is. Because '성' of the sentence is not clear, is it of sex or gender?
Sam Dylan Finch recounts his experience of being misgendered by doctors after attempting suicide.
(1)샘 딜런 핀치는 자살 시도후 의사들이 자신을 미스젠더링한 경험을 다시 말한다.
(2)SDF는 자살 시도후 의사들이 자신의 성을 착오한 경험을 다시 말한다.
It is the same case. Korean translation #2 can't deliver any meaning of '(to)misgender."
한국어의 '그'는 원래 중성대명사이기 때문에 트랜스여성을 그로 지칭한다고 해서 미스젠더링이라고 하기는 어렵다. 다만 트랜스여성과 시스여성이 같이 나오는 상황에서 트랜스여성을 '그'로, 시스여성을 '그녀'로 지칭한다면 미스젠더링이 되게 된다. (나무위키)
fact inquiry
조사에는 ① 사실조회 ② 증인신청 ③ 신체감정 ④ 진료기록감정 ⑤ 필름감정 등이 있습니다. (easylaw.go.kr)
그러나 지난 15일 열린 형사재판 공판에서 지만원 씨는 자신을 고소하고 법정에 증인으로 나섰던 유공자 또는 유가족들이 실제 5‧18 유공자가 맞는지 확인해야 한다며 국가보훈처에 사실조회 신청서를 내겠다고 밝혔습니다. (mediatoday.co.kr)
미국에 신청한 사실조회 결과 인보이스가 진짜인 것으로 드러나면 뇌물 액수가 늘기 때문에 형량 또한 늘어날 가능성이 높다. (https://www.hankookilbo.com)
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