Sep 15 16:53
2 mos ago
50 viewers *
Spanish term

dirección completa

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Hello. This is from Poder Especial from Argentina. I don't understand what they mean by full address:
Hipotecar cualquier bien inmueble o bien inmueble ubicado en la dirección completa (código catastral) para asegurar los productos de crédito obtenidos/que se obtendrán por el otorgante.
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Andrew Bramhall Sep 16:
Agree entirely with Allegrotrans Absolutely correct; the voice of truth, accuracy,commonsense and reason.
AllegroTrans Sep 15:
They most probably mean a complete address (with a postcode) and the registration number in the cadastral register
La referencia catastral es el identificador oficial y obligatorio de los bienes inmuebles. Consiste en un código alfanumérico que es asignado por el Catastro de manera que todo inmueble debe tener una única referencia catastral que permita situarlo inequívocamente en la cartografía catastral.

La referencia catastral - Catastro

Proposed translations

1 hr

The full address

A full address in the UK typically includes the following elements:

Recipient's name: The full name of the person or people you are sending to

House number or name: The number or name of the property

Street name: The name of the street

Locality: The name of the local area or village, if applicable

Town or city: The name of the town or city, written in block capitals

Postcode: The full postcode, written in block capitals

Note added at 1 hr (2024-09-15 18:51:02 GMT)

A full US address includes the following information:
Recipient's name: The recipient's first and last name, including any professional or legal title
Street address: The street number and name, including any apartment or unit number and directional information
City, state, and zip code: The city name, two-letter state abbreviation, and five-digit zip code
Peer comment(s):

neutral Andrew Bramhall : True, but your translation doesn't go far enough;
15 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
58 mins

the totality of the address; whole tenement

(código catastral) = land survey / UK index map code.

Whole tenement = including all such parts of the holding that show up on the code.

The Roman law Cadastral System of Land Tenure, again and though used in Property Law Books by Enlish Solicitors turned legal academics, in not used in Anglo-Saxon = Anglo-Am. Common Law Countries, but still is in Scotland.
Example sentence:

These historic mining tenement maps, often referred to as Mines Department public plans, have been scanned and are available for viewing and downloading.

*Scotland*: The cadastral map is a map of Scotland showing the totality of registered real rights in land. It consists of cadastral units, which each represent a single registered plot of land.

Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : "the totality of the address" - a serious translation??? Something you would find in a form? - "please provide the totality of the address in block capitals" - mmm...
44 mins
Something went wrong...
11 hrs

[See my suggestion]

'Bien inmueble o bien inmueble' doesn't make sense. I think the intended meaning is likely to be 'any property or part of a property located at a specific address or land registry reference.'

Note added at 13 hrs (2024-09-16 06:15:22 GMT)

In other words, 'ubicado en la dirección completa' means 'located anywhere at the address'. So the first 'bien inmueble' is the whole property, and the second is a part of it.
Note from asker:
This is what the text says. Bien inmueble twice. Any property or property located at a specific adddress, but it doesn't make sense to me.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrew Bramhall : The totality of what you say makes total sense, as usual Phil;
6 hrs
Total thanks!
neutral AllegroTrans : Could be more or less right but the cadastral register is not the same thing as the land registry, a misunderstanding often seen on this forum.
9 days
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Reference comments

42 mins

código catastral

La referencia catastral es el identificador oficial y obligatorio de los bienes inmuebles. Consiste en un código alfanumérico que es asignado por el Catastro de manera que todo inmueble debe tener una única referencia catastral que permita situarlo inequívocamente en la cartografía catastral.

La referencia catastral - Catastro
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree philgoddard
12 hrs
agree Andrew Bramhall : Indeed, as compiled and retained by local authorities the world over;
16 hrs
Thanks, but cadastral registries are NOT universal Some countries no longer have them, some never did
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