Mar 2, 2006 05:58
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Arabic term

وكذا تقوي الحكم بتكرار اسناد الجملة

Arabic to English Art/Literary Linguistics
فلا يقال "قام زيد" اي لئلا يتوهم أن زيد فاعل لا مبتدأ فيفوت الدوام الحاصل بالاسمية وكذا تقوي الحكم بتكرار اسناد الجملة الى الظاهر بعد اسناد الفعل لضميره لكن نقل الدماميني عن السيد ان الاسمية التي خبرها فعل تفيد التجدد لا الدوام وعليه فلا يفوت الا تقوي الحكم
Change log

Mar 2, 2006 07:19: Fuad Yahya changed "Language pair" from "English to Arabic" to "Arabic to English" , "Field (write-in)" from "من كتاب النحو " to "(none)"

Proposed translations

26 mins

as such, the statement is reinforced through repeated attribution of the sentence

There is a statement being made, and by starting with the noun then attributing the verb to an explicit pronoun benefit is made from the continuity of noun-based sentences. However, as the context suggests, Al-Sayyed is reported by Damamini to have stated that nouns with verb-based objects indicate repetition not continuity.
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