Glossary entry

Bosnian term or phrase:


English translation:

memorial prayer

Added to glossary by milijana trobradovic
Nov 15, 2010 14:52
14 yrs ago
Bosnian term


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Proposed translations

8 hrs

memorial prayer

Buduci da se trazi prevod na engleski jezik, ja bih se odlucila za ovu varijantu. Naime, pretpostavljam da je na smrtovnici navedeno da ce se "tevhid obaviti tu i tu, tada i tada". Ako je tako, onda u ovom slucaju tevhid znaci (pozivam se na Skaljicev rjecnik turcizama u srpskohrvatskom jeziku i na svoje poznavanje islamskih obicaja u nasim krajevima) "muslimanski pomen za mrtve, koji se sastoji u grupnom ucenju poboznih izreka i molitava. Obicno se uci u kuci umrle osobe na dan sahrane, na sedminu, cetrdesetinu, na pola godine i na godinu".
Example sentence:

Tevhid, or prayers for the dead, is the most popularly held noncalendric ceremony. ...http://

Peer comment(s):

agree hrvaska : apsolutno koleginice ......slazem se s vama
3 hrs
agree Elhana : Slažem se
1 day 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "hvala"
12 mins


Iako ne mogu da dam objašnjenje vezano za molitvu, mislim da je to ovo:
Peer comment(s):

agree Aida Samardzic : tawheed/tawhid, oba su ok
12 mins
agree ipv
14 mins
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21 mins


Slazem se sa Dejanom, s tim sto bih samo napisala "tawheed" sto vise odgovara originalu. Evo i malog pojasnjenja ako je bitno. Naravno, vazan ti je prevod:
"the term Tawheed is used in reference to Allaah in Holy Koran i.e. Tawheedullaah. It means the realizing and maintaining of Allaah's unity in all of man's actions which directly or indirectly related to Him".
Pozz. Aida
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Reference comments

15 mins

With the religion Islam, the religion of tevhid is meant. When ALLAH speaks about tevhid in the Qur'an...

Postoje tri razine tevhida i to: tevhid po biti, tevhid u svojstvima i tevhid u djelima. -

Note added at 26 mins (2010-11-15 15:19:04 GMT)

On this special day the Muslims, the Jewish, the Christians and even atheists all danced in semâ (the ritual dance performance of the whirling dervishes) which shows us tevhid (unification) is genuinely realized in Islam.,en/ -
međutim, nećete pogriješiti ni ako stavite tawhid:
... known as the tevhid, the Bosnian language variant of the Arabic term tawhid, meaning the perfect uniqueness and unicity of God (see Sorabji 1989, Chap. ...
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