Oct 10, 2006 22:22
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Bosnian term


A.Đapo Oct 11, 2006:
dohakati znači konačno stati na put tj zaustaviti ga u nečemu što nam je smetalo
uhakati znači upropastiti nekog ili nešto

Proposed translations

23 mins

get, get the better of, defeat, put an end to, put paid to, bust smb.'s a.. etc.

Sve zavisi od konteksta.

Inace, dohakati ne znaci isto sto i nauditi i dokrajciti.

nauditi - to harm
dokrajciti - to finish smb off _ili)_ to finish (polish) smth off (as in dokrajciti tortu)
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3 days 7 hrs

To get back at someone, to revenge, to retaliate

It consists primarily of retaliation against a person in response to perceived wrongdoing. Many aspects of revenge resemble the concept of justice, slowly and over the time...

I hope this helps.
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10 days

even the score

Obicno pociniocu neke zle smicalice.
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