Glossary entry

Catalan term or phrase:

cates alternades

English translation:

bore holes

Added to glossary by Alan Thompson
Jun 2, 2005 18:15
19 yrs ago
Catalan term

cates alternades

Catalan to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Construction
[...] recalçar la paret seguint el sistema tradicional anomenat de "cates alternades", les quals es feren per cates 1,5 m separades entre elles per uns 3 m, tornant al principi en un procès rotatori fins que finalment s'aconsegueix la continuïtat del recalçament de la paret.

Description of a method of underpinning a wall.
Proposed translations (English)
5 bore holes


Berni Armstrong Jun 2, 2005:
Un altre: "Les clavegueres actuals estan produint un seguit de problemes. Les cates i inspeccions realitzades demostren que la instal�laci� actual est� ensorrada en part i es produeixen filtracions" related to core samples here, perhaps.
Berni Armstrong Jun 2, 2005:
I can only find references to "cates d'exploraci�" eg:
"Moviments de terres (buidat, excavacions i rebaix, emplenats, cates d'exploraci�) or else "Realitzaci� de rases, cates i canalitzacions a la via p�blica." Don't know if that helps.

Proposed translations

5 days

bore holes

After discussing this with our local builder, and a local plumber, it seems that "cates" are bore holes. They are most often used to find leaks apparently. Dug at certain distances apart, they reveal whether the ground is dry or moist and so point to where a leak is.

I guess here it means that bore holes are dug to ensure that the foundations for the wall are sound. Or if the wall is already built, then they are to ensure that the ground beneath it is not becoming damp, etc.

The "alternades" simply refers to the fact that they are spaced out at regular intervals apparently.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "That's brilliant, Berni, you're a star. Thank you for going to all this trouble to research the term."
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