Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Catalan term or phrase:
English translation:
beams (perimeter beams)
Catalan term
We came up with "ninxols", and it sort of makes sense, but the author writes "xinxols" throughout the text. I am at a loss here.
Some maybe helpful info: this is probably an Andorran, maybe a French speaker. (Or maybe Korean, based on their Catalan)
"Subministre y col•locació de perfiles metàl•lics con acero laminado tipo A/42-B, de diferentes medidas según diseño proyecto, en jasseres y xinxols de refuerzo de forjados interiores vivienda, incluidas cartel.las de refuerzo y unión entre perfiles si se tercia, fijaciones mecániques según indicaciones planos tipos HILTY M-12 (taco quimic), incluido trabajos de soldadura, pulido de las rebabes, cortes, etc. dejando el conjunto acabado y apunto de pintura de protección."
3 | ref | liz askew |
3 | soldered joint / welded seam (see below) | dcaralo |
Apr 4, 2008 12:19: liz askew changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/648708">S Ben Price's</a> old entry - "xinxols "" to ""beams (perimter beams)""
Proposed translations
rcg873: Si cuando hablas de Jínjol te refieres a un àrbol frutal, se trata del azufaifo en castellano (la fruta se llama azufaifa...). Si hablas de otra cosa, seguirá vivo el misterio...
#41 despertaferro
lunes, 15 de mayo de 2006 a las 13:04
yo lo conozco como xinxol
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:23:02 GMT)
No és Xinxol sinó Ginjol. Ha de tenir més cura en no fer faltes. En Cas de dubte consulti el diccioari. Ajuda'ns a pagar el manteniment de relatsencatala. ... - 56k - Cached - Similar pages
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:23:49 GMT)
Azufaifa - Jinjol - Datos nutricionales de Azufaifa - Jinjol ...
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Datos nutricionales de Azufaifa - Jinjol - calorías, hidratos de carbono, proteinas, gragas e índice glucémico. - 40k - Cached - Similar pages
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:24:26 GMT)
Gínjol, fruit del gingoler (Zizyphus jujuba) Azufaifo, sí, azufaifo com Azufaifa azufaifa, mora de la morería. Fruit deliciós amb gust de poma àcida quan ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:25:52 GMT)
Zizyphus zizyphus
(= Zizyphus jujuba)
(ginjoler; cast. azufaifo, jinjolero)
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:26:36 GMT)
I don't do Catalan but this is something that goes inside a house, isn't it, so the above seems unlikely :-)
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:28:58 GMT)
it could = beam/pillar
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:48:55 GMT)
I got "beam/pillar" because
jasseres = vigas
Documento sin título
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Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:51:39 GMT)
b) Execució de l’estructura
Sobre els fonaments es recolzen els elements de suport, que poden ser
de disposició vertical (pilars, columnes, parets mestres o de càrrega) i
horitzontal (jàsseres, bigues i forjats). Es poden construir a base de
formigó armat o amb estructures metàl·liques.
Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-26 19:52:19 GMT)
they will be either a horizontal or vertical structure..
Ahora creo que es xinxolles, pero pampoco se que es |
Un arbol de frtua no tendría ningun sentido en este contexto - es un parte de un edificio. |
Exactly, it is a mispelling of something (a part of the contruction of a house) - we are mystified so far, as the client didn't spell check. Making things unnecessarily hard. Yipee! |
Maybe fruit trees are integral parts of housing construction in catalonia?? |
Yes, it would be great if it were beam or pillar, but how did you get that?? I need to have some type of certainty, otherwise I'd just be making it up (which sometimes is the only thing left to do) |
jasseres I have as beams already. It's the xinxolles, or whatever they are really called. They could be the same, as you say. But I still have to find a reference. |
soldered joint / welded seam (see below)
2) llinyol (Font: Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (2a edició) ) llinyol. Fil cru empegat amb què cusen els sabaters. [...] alà-castellà d'Enciclopèdia Catalana (3a edició).
3) By this definition of llinyol, maybe "xinxol" refers to some kind of joint, welding or similar.
Note added at 16 hores (2008-03-27 09:20:41 GMT)
"Fil cru empegat amb què cusen(...) ". "Raw string/cord that shoe repairer/makers use to sew (...)"
Note added at 16 hores (2008-03-27 09:22:25 GMT)
Of course the answer given is orientative (may not be exact) and you may find something better than "soldered joint" or "welded seam" but in the same line than these two.
Note added at 16 hores (2008-03-27 09:23:30 GMT)
Do not forget that "xinxol" does not come alone, and you must consider "xinxols de refuerzo" as a unit.
Note added at 16 hores (2008-03-27 09:25:25 GMT)
xinxols de refuerzo = reinforcement "x"
Note added at 16 hores (2008-03-27 09:47:57 GMT)
assuming llinyol refers to "cord" or "seam" can also be something as "moulding" (moldura in Spanish). This is what I have found in IATE for "moldura" into English:
Materials technology [COM] Full entry
ES orla reborde
EN stiffening corrugation
reinforcing Seam
Iron, steel and other metal industries, Industrial structures [COM] Full entry
ES moldura veneciana
EN optic
Industrial structures [COM] Full entry
ES listón
EN moulding
TRANSPORT, Land transport, Defence [COM] Full entry
ES moldura
EN bead core tyre
bead bundle tire
Mechanical engineering [COM] Full entry
ES moldura
EN cover strip
Building and public works [COM] Full entry
ES moldura superior saliente de la ventana
EN hood mould
I)top rail of sash
Industrial structures [COM] Full entry
ES moldura de madera
EN wooden moulding