Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Mar 28, 2008 19:16
16 yrs ago
Catalan term
Catalan to English
Construction / Civil Engineering
The person who wrote this knows neither how to write or spell, but is very knowledgale about construction. It is not in any one language per se, although it supposed to be in Catalan. It could be any number of things - a Spanish word that is spelt wrong, or a Catalan one, or a typo, or a word the author made up, or created phonetically from something he once heard as a small child. Good luck -
"Subministra i col•locació de peça de remat en lloses emparquetades de fusta de pi de 5 x 5 cm amb encaix per parquet, clavada sota llosa de formigó."
"Subministra i col•locació de peça de remat en lloses emparquetades de fusta de pi de 5 x 5 cm amb encaix per parquet, clavada sota llosa de formigó."
Proposed translations
4 | finishing | Lisa Mann |
3 | similar, but not identical | Berni Armstrong |
3 | insulator | John Cutler |
2 | brace | Aïda Garcia Pons |
Proposed translations
6 days
“remat” = acción de finalización = finishing/ fixture/ crowning / final / terminus.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Good job Lisa!"
4 hrs
similar, but not identical
I think he or she is implying that the pieces are likey to vary.
These wooden tiles would contain natural variations and so not be identical, but they'd be similar enough to present an image of uniformity from a distance. In other words, they resemble sheep in a flock, identical from a distance but clearly individual close up. Bit poetic for the context though, isn't it?
These wooden tiles would contain natural variations and so not be identical, but they'd be similar enough to present an image of uniformity from a distance. In other words, they resemble sheep in a flock, identical from a distance but clearly individual close up. Bit poetic for the context though, isn't it?
Note from asker:
We are asking the client. Since they are talking about flooring your suggestion might be insulation in this case, a possibility. Really the text was so incredibly bad it could be anything. Finishings or fixtures is where we are leaning now - but that's ust a wild guess. Thanks for your input, we'll know soon (I hope). |
4 hrs
This is a wild guess. Could it be a brace??
I've found this: (check number 17)
I've found this: (check number 17)
Note from asker:
That is definitely a helpful clue, thanks. Here they are talking about floors, and that one is on a roof, so it must be a pretty generic term. |
4 days
My theory is that it's a shortening of "remate". This link may help:
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