Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Catalan term or phrase:
pericó de arribada
English translation:
pipe inspection chamber at destination
Added to glossary by
Lavinia Pirlog
Jun 20, 2009 07:15
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Catalan term
perico de arribada
Catalan to English
Construction / Civil Engineering
El perico de arribada disposa d�un sobreeixidor de seguretat, connectant al by-pass general de la planta.
Annexe al perico hi ha la cambra de bombament d�aigua bruta.
Annexe al perico hi ha la cambra de bombament d�aigua bruta.
Proposed translations
2 | pericó = pipe inspection chamber | Sheila Hardie |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
pericó = pipe inspection chamber
Pericó = (pipe) inspection chamber
Not sure about how the 'arribada' bit links in though.
HTH a wee bit!
pericó m
arqueta f
inspection chamber, pipe inspection chamber
Caixa d'obra o prefabricada, a peu pla o enterrada, on hi ha un dispositiu de registre. També serveix per a connectar o facilitar el desguàs dels baixants i col·lectors.
SIN. arqueta
I think this would be 'arqueta de llegada' in Spanish by the way.
Note added at 2 heures (2009-06-20 09:25:34 GMT)
Maybe 'arribada' would be 'destination' here.
So, pipe inspection chamber at destination?
PE 100 pipe systems - Resultat de Google Llibres
per Heiner Brömstrup - 2007 - Non-Classifiable - 150 pàgines
From an inspection chamber in the starting zone the underwater pipeline crosses underneath an obstacle until the inspection chamber at destination is ...
Not sure about how the 'arribada' bit links in though.
HTH a wee bit!
pericó m
arqueta f
inspection chamber, pipe inspection chamber
Caixa d'obra o prefabricada, a peu pla o enterrada, on hi ha un dispositiu de registre. També serveix per a connectar o facilitar el desguàs dels baixants i col·lectors.
SIN. arqueta
I think this would be 'arqueta de llegada' in Spanish by the way.
Note added at 2 heures (2009-06-20 09:25:34 GMT)
Maybe 'arribada' would be 'destination' here.
So, pipe inspection chamber at destination?
PE 100 pipe systems - Resultat de Google Llibres
per Heiner Brömstrup - 2007 - Non-Classifiable - 150 pàgines
From an inspection chamber in the starting zone the underwater pipeline crosses underneath an obstacle until the inspection chamber at destination is ...
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