Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

Osiguranje od posljedica nesretnog slučaja (nezgode)

English translation:

Accident insurance (consequential loss)

Added to glossary by Mihailolja
Mar 27, 2008 19:47
16 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Croatian term

Osiguranje od posljedica nesretnog slučaja (nezgode)

Croatian to English Bus/Financial Insurance Type of insurance
I have a feeling this is Accident insurance but then how to translate "posljedica nesretnog slučaja" because Accident policies in the UK are precisely that "Accident", they are not known by anything else! or are they???

Hvala unaprijed.


Kale75 (X) Mar 27, 2008:
zaboravih da napomenem u vezi gore navedene web str. (generalturist)...nisam siguran u kojoj mjeri je prijevod relevantan a nisam u prilici posvetit se nesto vise u pronalazenju mozda adekvatnije reference...u svakom slucaju od viska glava ne boli...:)
Mihailolja (asker) Mar 27, 2008:
Hvala Kale.. Sve pomaže.
Kale75 (X) Mar 27, 2008: ...slican primjer...moze biti od koristi kolegice...pozdrav
Mihailolja (asker) Mar 27, 2008:
Individuals... definitely
PoveyTrans (X) Mar 27, 2008:
Sorry, still got corporate brain switched on. Yes, is this targetted at commecial clients or individuals?
Mihailolja (asker) Mar 27, 2008:
Don't understand You mean is this insurance policy mean't for a business? Sorry Simon but its late and I'm half asleep!
PoveyTrans (X) Mar 27, 2008:
Is this B2B or personal lines?
Mihailolja (asker) Mar 27, 2008:
Forgot to add some words... "Osiguranje od posljedica nesretnog slučaja (nezgode) i privatne odgovornosti"

Proposed translations

23 mins

Accident insurance (consequential loss)

I agree that this insurance is known as accident insurance as a term to describe a generic policy or type of insurance.

It would be useful to know whether this is used to describe the insurance in general terms or otherwise. It may refer to consequential loss which is a key aspect of most insurance policies but has a very specific meaning in UK law (and maybe US too!) and may not translate directly to the Croatian.

Google consequential loss and you will find endless articles debating what constitutes consequential loss...or not!

Note added at 53 mins (2008-03-27 20:40:59 GMT)

OK, thanks for the extra information. If it is describing the policy in generic terms, then I would just use 'accidental insurance'. I checked my Lloyd's risk categories and there is nothing else listed either which divides all insurances into their classes and subclasses.
Note from asker:
Hi Simon, I believe this is used to describe the policy in general terms because it is the title of the document. If you google it you get lots of hits, unfortunately none of the Croatian insurance company sites have any good English pages (yet!) ;-))
Peer comment(s):

agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X) : accident insurance-osiguranje od posljedica nesretnog slucaja, prema rjecniku; also, privatne odgovornosti-private(individual) responsibilities
3 days 1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Simon"
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