Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

međusobno potraživanje

English translation:

reciprocal claims

Added to glossary by Vesna Zivcic
Oct 21, 2003 01:08
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Croatian term

medjusobna potrazivanja

Croatian to English Bus/Financial Insurance Insurance
..izvjestite nas o rjesavanju medjusobnih potrazivanja ...

Proposed translations

24 mins

reciprocal claims

Pretpostavljajući da se radi o financijskim potraživanjima "claims" je uobičajeni izraz.


Note added at 2 hrs 3 mins (2003-10-21 03:12:25 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- physbilling/reciprocal.pdf

Google će Vam dati stotine sličnih primjera.
Peer comment(s):

agree A.Đapo
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala lijepo, Vas sam termin na kraju upotrijebila."
14 mins

mutual demands

You can also use reciprocal for the word mutual.
Peer comment(s):

agree Said Kaljanac a.k.a. SARAJ
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
32 mins

mutual claims

I think "mutual" is better here than "reciprocal"...

Note added at 2003-10-21 03:59:43 (GMT)

rjesavanje u. p. = settling m. c.
Something went wrong...
Comment: "hvala pavle, ovo settling mi je pomoglo"
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