Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Czech term or phrase:
English translation:
Care/medical care or similar
- The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2009-12-04 11:54:08 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Nov 30, 2009 16:31
15 yrs ago
37 viewers *
Czech term
Czech to English
Medical: Health Care
Paediatric medical report
This is one of the sub-headings on a child's medical report. It is soemtimes followed buy 'dg' (diagnosis) and in the document it is followed by 'Allergies' as the next sub-heading.
Proposed translations
4 | Care/medical care or similar | Gerry Vickers |
3 +1 | dispensarization | Igor Liba |
3 | preventive care (hospitals ?) | Maria Chmelarova |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
Care/medical care or similar
It isn't a term that is used in UK English - just 'care' on its own or 'medical care' or something similar is sufficient.
'Dispensary' in UK English means a place that dispenses medicines, i.e. a pharmacy, and has a different meaning.
Note added at 2 hrs (2009-11-30 18:32:56 GMT)
or 'hospital care provided' - there is no *right answer* to this one!
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-11-30 21:07:55 GMT)
In this case 'post-natal care' might be the most appropriate
'Dispensary' in UK English means a place that dispenses medicines, i.e. a pharmacy, and has a different meaning.
Note added at 2 hrs (2009-11-30 18:32:56 GMT)
or 'hospital care provided' - there is no *right answer* to this one!
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-11-30 21:07:55 GMT)
In this case 'post-natal care' might be the most appropriate
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Maria Chmelarova
: thank you Gary, for your post. One more time missused word. I am just working on that. I was thinking about "preventive care clinics", but I am not sure about that too.
14 mins
Again, in UK terminology it is best to keep it simple - just a 'clinic'. The preventive care bit is taken for granted!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you very much Gerry - this proved to be a contraversial one, but I trust your thoughts. Once again, many thanks."
8 mins
Note added at 41 mins (2009-11-30 17:12:53 GMT)
according toácia&c=yaf4&d=pri...
dispenzarizácia - aktívne preventívne vyhľadávanie, vyšetrovanie, liečenie a sociálne sledovanie osôb až do vyliečenia, DISPENZÁRNA STAROSTLIVOSŤ - > DISPENSARY CARE
Note added at 41 mins (2009-11-30 17:12:53 GMT)
according toácia&c=yaf4&d=pri...
dispenzarizácia - aktívne preventívne vyhľadávanie, vyšetrovanie, liečenie a sociálne sledovanie osôb až do vyliečenia, DISPENZÁRNA STAROSTLIVOSŤ - > DISPENSARY CARE
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Maros Podstupka
: My target is U.S. English, thank you very much Igor. As far as NCBI public document refers to it as such, I consider it applicable.
2075 days
2 hrs
preventive care (hospitals ?)
dispenzarizacia (l.) - aktivne, preventivne vyhladavanie, vysetrovanie, liecenie a socialne sledovanie osob az do vyliecenia; disperzna starostlivost.
V tom pripade by to mohla byt " preventive care ?", hospital, clinc(s).
Dispensary (-ies), to uz vysvletil Gary, dispensarization- slovniky nepoznaju. vas odsunie na Hospitals, kde najdete viac ako jednu moznost s tym ze vam nieco zapasuje do textu.
Jeden citat za vsetky pouzivany hlavne vo vych. E.
".... in Soviet Russia: Dispensaries and Polyclinics".
"In this unified med. organisation the next link after the home doctor and the factory doctor is constituted by dispensaries and polyclinics. There is no sharp line of demarcation between these, but usually each dispensary serves the population of particular district. It is claimend that, by the partial and almost complete "dispensarization" of medical practice, supervision is being excercised over the healthy as well as the sick person in a district...
"dispensarization" v uvodzovka Vam nieco naznacuje.
V tom pripade by to mohla byt " preventive care ?", hospital, clinc(s).
Dispensary (-ies), to uz vysvletil Gary, dispensarization- slovniky nepoznaju. vas odsunie na Hospitals, kde najdete viac ako jednu moznost s tym ze vam nieco zapasuje do textu.
Jeden citat za vsetky pouzivany hlavne vo vych. E.
".... in Soviet Russia: Dispensaries and Polyclinics".
"In this unified med. organisation the next link after the home doctor and the factory doctor is constituted by dispensaries and polyclinics. There is no sharp line of demarcation between these, but usually each dispensary serves the population of particular district. It is claimend that, by the partial and almost complete "dispensarization" of medical practice, supervision is being excercised over the healthy as well as the sick person in a district...
"dispensarization" v uvodzovka Vam nieco naznacuje.
Have a nice day everyone.
Bylo by dobre, kdybychom meli takove slovo jako 'dispensarization' - bylo by to mnohem jednodussi :)
2. Pokial si to neuvedomujete, medzi dispenzarizaciou a preventivnou straostlivostou je urcity rozdiel -> skuste si pozriet moju webku alebo aj ktorykolvek cudzi slovnik. Preto by som urcite nehovoril zovseobecnene o preventivnej starostlivosti - pokial uz cukrovku mate, tak vas mozu sledovat a poskytovat liecbu aby sa vam stav nezhorsoval. Hovorit o prevencii tu je uz neskoro.
3. Uplne najvseobecnejsim ale podla mna nepresnym vyrazom by bola odpoved Gerryho
"dispensarization". Dispensary(-ies) dispensatory sa v slovnikoch. nachadzaju a to je daleko od toho co Jemma hlada.
dispenzarizácia - aktívne preventívne vyhľadávanie, vyšetrovanie, liečenie a sociálne sledovanie osôb až do vyliečenia, DISPENZÁRNA STAROSTLIVOSŤ - > DISPENSARY CARE