Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Matthias Quaschning-Kirsch
May 18, 2006 14:33
18 yrs ago
Czech term


Czech to English Social Sciences Religion
Kána Galilejská - přímluvkyně
Nápis jednoho zastavení ze života panny Marie


Radovan Pletka May 18, 2006:
You definitely need an English priest to proof your work, otherwise you will commit some serious misstranslations and will punished for eternity (smile). Seriously, if you call your locar church, they will surely help you.

Proposed translations

14 mins


Sounds a bit strange to me - but there seems not to be any feminine form of "intercessor" in English.
Peer comment(s):

agree Pavel Blann
1 hr
Thank you!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much!"
52 mins

Mother of Intercession

When referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the correct term is "Mother of Intercession"
Peer comment(s):

neutral Matthias Quaschning-Kirsch : Sure? Almost all of the (sparse!) web references have "Mother of Intercession *and Reparation*" as the complete term. And in the text you mention, Mary is adressed as "intercessor", too. So, M.o.I. is OK, but far away from being the only correct term.
49 mins
disagree Pavel Blann : the term in question is "přímluvkyně", not "matka přímluv" // in this series, you don't have to repeat Mother or Virgin Mary in each and every heading...
1 hr
Since it refers to Virgin Mary, the whole term "Mother of Intercession" would be more appropriate.
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