Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

hist.: town house

Nov 26, 2001 05:24
23 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Other Architecture Architecture
Kolding afspejler dansk arkitektur
gennem tiderne...Fra det gamle borgerhus
til Kolding Byferies geometriske
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 town house
5 +1 burgher's house
5 citizen's house
5 townhouse

Proposed translations

30 mins

town house

"Borger" in this context is the term used for the middle-class people once living in the towns as opposed to the peasants living in the rural districts.
Via German I have been confirmed in my proposal Bürgerhaus = town house
Peer comment(s):

agree lone (X) : I was going to suggest this but you beat me to it!
15 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot - I've checked this with an architect friend, and she agrees!"
4 mins

citizen's house

From Source:

borgerhus sb. (arkit.) citizen's house
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Comment: "Thanks-this would work for a modern building, I'm sure"
38 mins

burgher's house

is the usual term for a historic building of this type outside Britain.

The usual term for the British equivalent.

A citizen's house is used about a modern building - e.g.:
.. a proposal to bring the Internet to every citizen's house.

You will find plenty of Google hits to confirming this.
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Creutz (X) : Agree wholeheartedly! "Town house" is wrong!
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Thank you - this is a rather confusing subject!"
1 hr


In America, any nice-sized house in any metropolitan area (ie - a big city)is referred to as a "townhouse."
It's one word, not two!
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