Jun 24, 2022 11:48
2 yrs ago
13 viewers *
Danish term
oplag på bukke
Danish to English
Construction / Civil Engineering
Building specifications
Arbejdet skal udføres med relevante tekniske hjælpemidler, såsom transportvogne, løftere og oplag på bukke.
Proposed translations
3 | trestling | Adrian MM. |
Proposed translations
2 days 1 hr
Factoring in the discussion entries, you can also use the gerundive as a verbal phrase for the whole expression.
I'd avoid - for Anglo-Irish consumption - any ambiguous 'on lifting jack' ideas.
I'd avoid - for Anglo-Irish consumption - any ambiguous 'on lifting jack' ideas.
Example sentence:
Lifting and trestling/shoring aircraft for maintenance/repair
IATE: da buk en lifting jack track lifting jack
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Thomas T. Frost
: 'Oplag' seems to have disappeared from your translation
6 hrs
Lifting correctly and avoiding too many heavy lifts is important in health and safety at work.
"storage on trestles" would work.