Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

afgiftsberigtiget alene af omkostningerne (clarification needed for this contect

English translation:

only the expenses are taxable - rephrase

Added to glossary by stephen mewes
May 5, 2009 12:12
15 yrs ago
Danish term

afgiftsberigtiget alene af omkostningerne (clarification needed for this contect

Danish to English Law/Patents Law: Taxation & Customs
Varer, som har været midlertidigt udført til steder uden for EU, og som genindføres efter reparation, forarbejdning, tilpasning, omdannelse eller bearbejdning, kan af told- og skatteforvaltningen på nærmere fastsatte vilkår tillades afgiftsberigtiget alene af omkostningerne, herunder forsendelses- og forsikringsomkostninger m.v. ved den uden for EU foretagne forarbejdning m.v

Proposed translations

33 mins

only the expenses are taxable - rephrase

When goods that have been taken temporarily to places outside the EU for repairs or processing ... are then re-imported, the tax authorities may, under specifically defined circumstances, decide that tax is only payable on the costs of the processes performed outside the EU, including the costs of transport and insurance etc.

-- Something like that at a first pass.
It may well be possible to rearrange the clauses better - good luck!
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