Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

pass-through washer disinfector

Added to glossary by Norskpro
Apr 5, 2013 04:07
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Danish term


Danish to English Medical Medical: Instruments Umbilical cord removal
This pertains to instruments used for removing the umbilical cord of a newborn. The instruments are washed manually, and then they are washed in a "gennemstikskoger". Any idea what that is?


Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 pass-through washer disinfector
4 put-through washer
3 tunnel washer
Change log

Apr 14, 2013 04:36: Norskpro Created KOG entry


Stig Jensen Apr 5, 2013:
It appears from my google search that the "gennemstik" is what is being boiled. There is such a thing as a "Bækkenkoger" and I have a feeling that it get used to "koge gennemstik" as well. Picture here:
and text here (scroll down to see picture):
Nikolaj Widenmann (asker) Apr 5, 2013:
Another option might be sterilization cabinet. Of course, the problem is that there is really nothing available online that describes what a "gennemstikskoger" actually is.
Norskpro Apr 5, 2013:
Yes, I was uncertain about what "koger" would translate as, which is why I wrote the words in brackets. It is probably the first wash as you suggest.
kargaard Apr 5, 2013:
I agree pass-through or someting, but I was searching online and it isn't necessarily sterilized when it comes out, as they take instrumentation from the gennemstikskoger to other washing machines, and then bag and autoclave at the end. So it may just be a sort of feed-through/pass through automatic washing machine to remove the blood etc?
Norskpro Apr 5, 2013:
gennemstik could be pass-through, so I think this is a sterilizer cupboard (or other more correct term ?) where the instruments can be put in on one side, while contaminated, and taken out on the other side, sterilized. This is my guess.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

pass-through washer disinfector

This is a term that gets quite a few results on google. See discussion.
Peer comment(s):

agree kargaard : yes, or feed-through washer/boiler (Koge is boil directly translated. But according to they follow this up with other things, so not sure it is disinfector, maybe washer?
40 mins
Yes, it could be simply washer.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."
7 hrs

tunnel washer

Could it be something like that?
Googling various combinations with 'tunnel' will show more examples.
Note from asker:
Thank you. Though I ultimately chose another suggestion, yours was just as valid.
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4 days

put-through washer

Note from asker:
Thank you. Though I ultimately chose another suggestion, yours was just as valid.
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