Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

Broget fluesnapper, bynkefugl, grønsisken

English translation:

Pied flycatcher, Whinchat, Siskin

Added to glossary by smarinella
Feb 27, 2005 09:01
19 yrs ago
Danish term

Broget fluesnapper, bynkefugl, grønsisken

Danish to English Other Zoology
other names of birds

the German should be Trauerfliegerschnäper, Braunkelchen, Zeisig

it's always the same text about the Danish island; since there were some mistakes in the German version, we prefer to start from the original Danish version. Unfortunately we need also the Italian and the French version...

Many thanks in advance!
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 Pied flycatcher, Whinchat, Siskin

Proposed translations

13 mins

Pied flycatcher, Whinchat, Siskin

French for bynkefugl is tarier des prés

Broget fluesnapper in German acc. to the book is Trauerschnäpper. The other 2 German terms match.

Source: Ingvald Lieberkind, Dyrenes Verden - Fugle, III
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agree lone (X)
3 hrs
agree Suzanne Blangsted (X)
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "tusend tak!"
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