Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

revitalise body and mind

Added to glossary by Alexander Schleber (X)
Aug 29, 2004 06:42
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
"Dit is een bijzondere plaats, gecreëerd voor mensen die willen herbronnen, inspiratie opdoen, mekaar leren kennen en ideeën willen uitwisselen die verrijkend zijn in het persoonlijke en professionele leven."

These people define their company as a "resourcement center". Any ideas for a good rtanslatin of "herbronnen"??

Proposed translations

1 hr

renew your spirit, refresh your mind
Welcome to a soothing place where the world’s beauty can immerse you in peace and renewal. If you need to calm your nerves and refresh your mind, use our videos without leaving your home or office and reduce your stress the easiest way possible.

Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway : and recharge your energy-agree that to get the full meaning there is no one-word solution. wellness is always wordy it seems./replenish is ok but you can replenish your energy by eating a good meal too.
22 mins
thanks -- replenish maybe?
agree AllisonK (X) : revitalise?
58 mins
Thanks-- Any New Agers here? Let's burn some incense, they'll keep coming...
agree avsie (X)
3 hrs
agree Tina Vonhof (X) : 'recharge their batteries' is a common expressesion.
10 hrs
=Batterijen opladen, herbronnen betekent net iets meer denk ik. (FR "ressourcement" +/- = "back to basics", alle principes "her-denken"). Vooral een zeer holle sloganeske term. Zie mijn commentaar bij Ton Remkes (hieronder)
agree Ton Remkes : 'herbronnen': First 20 hits Belgian! Typische, weinig fraaie, letterlijke vertaling uit Frans (se) ressourcer /ressourcement! Franglish 'resourcement' dus inderdaad krom. Deze letterlijke vertaling 'elegant'? Voor Nederlanders eerder 'charmant' Bels!
17 hrs
Resourcement (EN) is krom. Herbronnen niet, vind ik. Best elegant. Wel typisch VL. Gangbaar bij politieke partijen (als PR-opsmuk... Alles veranderen opdat alles bij het oude zou blijven)./ Bels noemen wij liever Vlaams.Evenveel bestaansrecht als Hollands
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone for the many interesting contributions. The client leads seminars in which "body and mind" are revitalised."
9 mins


from Merriam-Webster's Third International:
1 a : a new or a reserve source of supply or support : a fresh or additional stock or store available at need : something in reserve or ready if needed *exhausted every resource* *open up new resources to an impoverished culture* b resources plural : available means (as of a country or business) : computable wealth (as in money, property, products) : immediate and possible sources of revenue *rich natural resources* *the book value of a company's resources*
2 : something to which one has recourse in difficulty : means of resort in exigency : EXPEDIENT, STRATAGEM *her usual resource was confession*
Peer comment(s):

neutral Koen Roelens : Judging from Google it would seem that, in English, "resourcement" only exists in a theological context (Vaticanum II) -- and in the name of a Belgian company (Robert Vandewalle's "Resourcement Centre", possibly Alexander's client).
4 hrs
neutral Tina Vonhof (X) : herbronnen in this context is a verb, not a noun.
12 hrs
neutral Ton Remkes : Klant op 't verkeerde been gezet? Kennelijk niet bedoeling Vaticanum II te propageren! Oorspronkelijke 'bron'gedachte: waarschijnlijk Frans (se) ressourcer=opnieuw inspireren, herbronnen enz. Zie o.a. [Rejection well justified.]
18 hrs
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Comment: "Tina is right, this concerns a verb, and using "resource" as a verb sounds funny in English. Thanks."
1 hr

Definition: [adj] reformed spiritually or morally; "a regenerate sinner"; "regenerate by redemption from error or decay"
[v] restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"
[v] undergo regeneration
[v] form or produce anew; "regenerate hatred"
[v] be formed or shaped anew
[v] become regenerate
[v] replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue; "The snake regenerated its tail"
[v] return to life; get or give new life or energy; "The week at the spa restored me"
[v] bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one; "The Church reformed me"; "reform your conduct"
[v] amplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit
[v] re-establish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new; "We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years"; "They renewed their membership"

Synonyms: born-again, converted, reborn, reclaim, rectify, reformed, rejuvenate, renew, restore, revitalize

See Also: alter, ameliorate, amend, better, change, change, create, form, freshen, freshen up, improve, increase, make, meliorate, modernise, modernize, moralise, moralize, overhaul, reconstruct, re-create, re-create, reform, refresh, refurbish, regenerate, regenerate, reincarnate, rejuvenate, rejuvenate, remold, remould, renew, renovate, replace, restitute, restore, retread, revamp, revitalise, revitalize, revive, saved, see the light, spring, straighten out, take form, take shape
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ton Remkes : 'regenerate' en bovenstaande alternatieven hebben voornamelijk betrekking op verbetering van lichamelijke condities. 'herbronnen' [ Frans 'ressourcer' o.i. in sterkere mate. Dat kan collega Roelens beter beoordelen!] is vooral 'tussen de oren' bedoeld.
1 day 15 hrs
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