Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term
you seem to have three words for AND - E, DHE and EDHE.
Please could you explain the difference and/or give some simple examples of how they are used?
4 +1 | e, dhe, edhe | Monika Coulson |
4 +4 | e, dhe, edhe | Monika Coulson |
Non-PRO (1): Αlban SHPΑTΑ
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Proposed translations
e, dhe, edhe
e, dhe, edhe
dhe - it is used to repeat two parts of the sentence that play the same role. For example: Mësues dhe nxënës (teachers and students)
dhe - it is also used to repeat two or more parts of the sentence, when counting them. Exmp.: Dhe prindërit, dhe shokët, dhe mësuesit... (The parents, and the friends and the teachers...)
e - it is used to connect two words or two forms (parts) of the same sentence, in groups that are coordinated between each-other. For example: Tani e tutje (now and later), Ec e ec (walk and walk.)
edhe - it is used to connect two parts that play the same role in a sentence, or two sentences that are coordinated (copular or adding.) For example: Punojmë edhe mësojmë. (We work, and we learn.) Nxënësit edhe mësuesit (The students, and the teachers.)
In general I can say that "dhe" is used the most. "Edhe" is used when you want to emphasize something more than the other. "E" is used to make the connection easier and in general it is used when connecting two words, and less often two parts of the sentence. Hope this helps
Alb-Alb Dictionary
e, dhe, edhe
dhe - it is used to repeat two parts of the sentence that play the same role. For example: Mësues dhe nxënës (teachers and students)
dhe - it is also used to repeat two or more parts of the sentence, when counting them. Exmp.: Dhe prindërit, dhe shokët... (The parents, as well as the friends...)
e - it is used to connect two words or two forms (parts) of the same sentence in groups that are coordinated between each-other. For example: Tani e tutje (now and later), Ec e ec (walk and walk.)
edhe - it is used to connect two parts that play the same role in a sentence, or dy sentences that are coordinated (copular or adding.) For example: Punojmë edhe mësojmë. (We work, and we learn.) Nxënësit edhe mësuesit (The students, and the teachers.)
In general I can say that "dhe" is used the most. "Edhe" is used when you want to emphasize something more than the other. "E" is used to make the connection easier and in general it is used when connecting two words, and less often two parts of the sentence. Hope this helps
Alb-Alb Dictionary
Note added at 56 mins (2003-10-30 18:09:23 GMT)
Please see my other answer, as a corrented a couple of things. Monika
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