Jun 15, 2020 00:55
4 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

COVID-19 GBK English to Albanian Medical Medical (general)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a serious lung condition that causes low blood oxygen. People who develop ARDS are usually ill due to another disease or a major injury. In ARDS, fluid builds up inside the tiny air sacs of the lungs, and surfactant breaks down. Surfactant is a foamy substance that keeps the lungs fully expanded so that a person can breathe. These changes prevent the lungs from filling properly with air and moving enough oxygen into the bloodstream and throughout the body. The lung tissue may scar and become stiff.
Example sentences:
Differentiating COVID-19 Pneumonia from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE): Therapeutic Implications (AHA Journals)
A very large proportion of patients admitted to ICU for Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) fulfill acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) criteria according to Berlin definition [1,2,3]. (Annals of Intensive Care)
Another “paradigm shift” is that the argument of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is now newly broken, that COVID-19 is not ARDS, and that established ARDS therapies are inappropriate for COVID-19 patients or may cause harm. (Life in the fastline)
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Jun 14, 2020 15:18: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jun 15, 2020 00:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jun 18, 2020 01:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 25, 2020 01:54:

Jul 15, 2020 01:54:

Aug 14, 2020 01:56:

Proposed translations

5 hrs

sindroma e distresit respirator akut (SDRA)

Akronimi shpesh lihet dhe në anglisht si ARDS. Ky term mund të gjendet i përkthyer edhe si "sindroma e distresit akut respirator" ose "sindroma e distresit akut të frymëmarrjes".
Definition from fjalormjekesor.al:
Distresi respirator akut është pamjaftueshmëria e sistemit respirator, i cili karakterizohet nga grumbullimi i lëngjeve në mushkëri duke bllokuar mushkëritë. Është gjendje emergjente. Shkaktarët janë të shumtë, si: traumat e mushkërive, shocku, sepsisi, embolia pulmonare, pneumonia, rrezatimi, dëmtimet e kokës, marrja e disa medikamenteve. Karakterizohet nga vështirësi në frymëmarrje, frymëmarrje e shpejtuar, cianozë, ankth, stres, tension.
Example sentences:
Ndonëse arsyet nuk janë plotësisht të njohura, gjendja simptomatologjike e COVID-19 varion nga ajo asimptomatike, në të lehtë, mesatare e deri tek ajo më e rënda, duke përfshirë këtu edhe Sindromën e Distresit Respirator Akut (SDRA) (heda.al)
Aspirina nuk e përmirëson prognozën e sindromës së distresit respirator akut (www.doktor33.al)
Peer comment(s):

agree Mirela Lluka
81 days
Faleminderit Mirela :)
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