Jan 11, 2010 16:01
15 yrs ago
English term

frictional unemployment

GBK English to Bosnian Social Sciences Economics
Definition from John S. Irons, Washington DC:
Short-term joblessness associated with mobility. A person who leaves a job to find something better is considered frictionally unemployed. This type of unemployment characterizes workers subject to seasonal work (e.g., construction, agricultural, winter recreational workers, etc.).
Example sentences:
Technological change often reduces frictional unemployment, for example: the internet made job searches cheaper and more comprehensive. (EconomicExpert.com)
Frictional unemployment is that unemployment caused by information or search costs. Usually when a person quits, is fired, or enters the labor market, there are jobs available for which that person is qualified. The person will be frictionally unemployed because it takes time (and effort) to find the jobs that are available. (Robert Schenk)
Finding the open positions and workers available is a large factor in frictional unemployment, even in this Great Recession. (newsneconomics.com)
Proposed translations (Bosnian)
5 +1 Frikcijska nezaposlenost
Change log

Jan 11, 2010 15:35: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jan 11, 2010 16:01: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jan 14, 2010 17:01: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Proposed translations

1 day 17 hrs

Frikcijska nezaposlenost

Definition from wikipedia:
Frikcijska nezaposlenost nastaje zbog neprekidnog kretanja ljudi između regija i radnih mjesta ili kroz različite faze životnog ciklusa. Budući da frikciono nezaposleni radnici često mijenjaju radna mjesta ili traže bolja, drži se katkad da su oni dobrovoljno nezaposleni. Od tud proizlazi Dobrovoljna nezaposlenost
Example sentences:
Frikcijska nezaposlenost koja nastaje uslijed dobrovoljnog napuštanja posla, prelaska s jednog na drugi posao, te zbog novih i ponovnih ulazaka u radnu snagu. (efzg)
For example, a first-time job seeker may lack the resources or efficiency for finding the company that has the job that is available and suitable for him or her. As a result this person does not take other work, temporarily holding out for the better-paying job. (investopedia)
Peer comment(s):

agree Emina Dedic : i ako mogu dodati i link na bosanskom http://wapedia.mobi/bs/Nezaposlenost
68 days
hvala Emina
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