Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
heat-resistant conduits
Bosnian translation:
termootporni provodnici
Added to glossary by
Dusica Cook
Nov 7, 2009 20:36
15 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term
heat-resistant conduits
English to Bosnian
Electronics / Elect Eng
radi se o provodnicima koji su otporni na toplotu. isto kao i u prethodnom pitanju, interesira me da li znate za neki jednostavniji termin... hvala!
Proposed translations
1 +1 | termootporni provodnici | Dragomir Kovacevic (X) |
Proposed translations
1 day 14 hrs
termootporni provodnici
pošto spominjete provodnike, i to još i heat-resistant, onda ostajem i ja pri njima. Mogli bi biti i prenosnici, recimo, ali u širokom smislu riječi.
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "hvala"
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